What you reading

Yeah, she has a distinctive sound, loved La Perla & like the new one as well

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This looks good.

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Just got round to that Lanchester piece - nobody I’d rather read on financial fraud. And tempted to pick up Faux’s book:

Faux’s indignation is amplified because he focused his reporting on the ‘stablecoin’ Tether, which is effectively the on-ramp and off-ramp to crypto from the legitimate banking system. That means that Tether is crucial to the way crypto runs and if Tether is fake, or collapses, so does crypto. Tether’s pitch is that it is backed one-to-one by real US dollars residing in real-world US dollar bank accounts. There are 66 billion Tether in circulation, so that means that there are $66 billion on deposit somewhere, right? Right? Except nobody can find those deposits, and Tether – co-created by a former child actor who was in The Mighty Ducks, backed by a Bahamas bank run by the inventor of Inspector Gadget – is extremely evasive when it comes to supplying any details, about anything. Like Faux, I considered writing about Tether, because in the fifteen-plus years I’ve spent writing about the world of money, I’ve never seen anything dodgier. It’s been obviously about to blow up for a long time. And yet it hasn’t blown up. It’s enough to drive the observer slightly nuts. You can find that energy in Faux’s funny, furious book.


Yes agree, really great writer, always check his pieces.

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Very Early Prince days Chris Moon and Owen Husney on Prince's For You: The Master

My copy of 23 seconds to eternity was ordered from the Heavenly Bandcamp and came with one of these, which was nice


Did I post this already?

Still on the post-Murakami Japanese fiction binge.

An amazing story from an AI’s point of view.


Enjoyed reading the latest edition @Hierbas

*subscrube to access


Ah thanks mate. Czech’s in post. I know Steve enjoyed that :slightly_smiling_face:

*knackering at times but a lot of fun doing that blog (lifts spirits when you’re unemployed). Some of the Spanish readers seem to enjoy it too so all worthwhile.


I’ve also been enjoying your blog. Sent the link to my brother who’s been living in Barca for the last 30 years. He’s also been enjoying your musings on the city.

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Disco Love Blueprint



I’ve still got their Acid House blueprint in its tube. Must sort a frame for it.

Used to love putting a mixtape together. Would even attempt crude cut and splice edits


Pause button mixtapes on my old Pionner music centre was my gateway drug. Wish I still had the tapes now.


Really an extraordinary book - maybe the best thing I’ve read on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He focuses on the micro over the macro and is unsparing. No easy judgments. And for the TP heads there’s even a chapter on legendary club Allenby 58 & the gay scene.


I couldn’t wait for Santa and am now loving this.
Despite the rock ref on the cover he was also a mover in the gay/disco scene in NYC so theres plenty on that too.


Just finished this. Deeply depressing and extremely brutal book. Looking about it doesn’t appear that much has changed after it either.