What you going to?

Massive long shot. Booked a last minute weekend away with my wife to Norwich and have noticed that Matthew Halsall(sold out)is playing at the Art Centre. Don’t suppose any local people have two spare tickets or can’t go anymore.

Local here, haven’t got tickets but I’ll let you know if I see anyone unable to make it.

Red Greg is playing at Space in the city tomorrow night and I do have 2 tickets going for that if that’s of any interest.

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Cheers. Thanks for keeping an eye out and thanks for the offer for Red Greg but off to see friends on Sat.

Well that was fun.


I had a great evening. Got in about 7.30pm and the courtyard was packed up and good for a catch up. Enjoyed Dave Hill’s reggae selection in the back room. Caught a bit of Terry’s set which sounded great but I wasn’t into Hilet Kolet’s music afterwards, too big room 4/4 for me.

We then settled in for Timmy in room 2 and it was a masterclass. He always had at least two, often three things in the mix. Countless acapellas - from Aretha, to Stevie, to Mos Def, to (ahem) Bonnie Tyler! Not everything worked but he’s a risk taker and that makes it more enjoyable for me. Great use of the isolator and he managed to get what had previously sounded like quite a poor system really singing. It felt a privilege to hear one of the best in the business. There was a great vibe in there, lovely group of people and I was gutted to have to leave at 11pm to make sure my kids were home and that we were all up and on the first train to Liverpool for the footy on Sunday. If anyone was there for the last couple of hours but would be interested to hear where he ended up.

Great party :+1:


I can get a ticket for Overmono gig in Dublin next Friday… Think I caught them during the summer at a festival… :thinking: Any fans here?

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Yeah I think they are great. Sonically it’s really good and musically dots going forwards for me which is always good.

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Any of you who happen to be in Sydney at the tail end of October - we are putting on what promises to be a fantastic day/night party.

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Really enjoyed Nabihah Iqbal at EartH in Dalston last night. The band was tight and the chatty interludes were lovely to listen to. She is quite the endearing character. The encore was especially pleasing. Finished off at Moth Club for Disco Bloodbath!


I never thought I’d see mention of the Craufurd Arms… grew up in Greenleys/Wolverton!!
World Beat was my local, and spent far too much of my time hanging around with Picci, Steve, Fil, and the others - dy-na-mix was bring run from upstairs, IIRC. Caught the tail end of Outer Limits at Rayzels, and distinctly recall Picci giving me a guest ticket for Rage @ Heaven which was one of those pivotal moments…

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So who else was at Convenanza?

Got back home last night after something of a mission (up for 18 hours in all) but by crikey that was totally worth it. Even with Air Canada losing my fucking bag on the way out.

Incredible surroundings as you’d expect, unexpected bonus in the form of our digs feeling like a nano-pikes (not least when we learned our host was having a few friends over Sunday arvo and asked if I’d be up for playing some tunes. While we were out on Sat night, came back to find a full-on cocktail bar had come up out of nowhere by the pool, and a little sound system brought in - apparently from a chap who works at Bar a Vins!).

But the pre/post parties at BaV and the main event inside la Cite… ooof. Fantastic bunch of people, without exception - struggling to think of any time where it was anything but lovely wherever you turned. Wonderful to bump into loads of people from different times/places past (including someone I’d known 25+ years online and never met!).

Still trying to process it all while “WFH” this morning and building up an ever-growing Bandcamp wishlist for Friday… :wink:

Just incredible. Thank fuck for a long weekend coming up here!


Did you bump into the other ‘Canadian’ there? Ash.

Craufurd has been letting us do this night on and off for maybe a decade (they have taken it from nothing to a decent Indie Rock venue, so more power to them).

I’ve followed the shop since Tree House days and all it’s changes of owners since then. You might be a few years older but my associates rave about Rage but just as much about Outer Limits. I guess you might still be in touch with some of those guys, I only really have comms with Jon but there are still a lot of alternative people in the railway town.

Anyone going to Jex/Good Block at Sweeties this Friday?

Yep… We’d been chatting online since realizing we were fairly local to each other… turns out his Mum lives on the other side of the city from me (and about a mile away from where we first lived when we first emigrated here!)

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I left MK decades ago :slight_smile:
Last time I lived there was in the late 90s, and ended up knocking about with the MK chapter of the Wiggle posse (which I believe were pretty much a subset of the crowd that used to go to Outer Limits).

It was really weird driving through MK (took a detour off the M1, just for shits and giggles, when visiting a year before the pandemic hit) and thinking “fuck me, it’s changed, but can’t put my finger on exactly why”… because all the bloody trees had grown!

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Went to little simz last night. She was fucking great. So nice to watch someone as good as her st the peak of their game. I have a feeling she might stay there for a bit. As she said, ‘you are watching greatness. I don’t say that from arrogance I say it from confidence and it’s taken a while to get here’.


She is class live.

Double header with her and Cleo would be :ok_hand:

Looking forward to seeing her next month at Ally Pally