What you going to?

Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian ! Looks great!


Dennis Bovell was great last night. What a personality! It was a DJ set with him, Jamie Rodigan and Hasseb Iqbal playing the tunes and Dennis layering FX and his own vocals on top. Great to hear Tubby tunes all night and what a catalogue - from Johnny Clarke roots to Anthony Red Rose’s Tempo.

There were a few basic sound issues - feedback from a turntable which took ages to resolve and a big contrast in the levels when they moved from a digital tune to a record - but that didn’t mar a really fun night.


Tickets are free, Feb 19th, 5pm-7pm.
Great Portland Street not far from Oxford Circus.

Classic Album Sundays presents ‘Echoes’ with Wally Badarou

Classic Album Sundays founder Colleen ‘Cosmo’ Murphy will be joined by French-African musician Wally Badarou to explore his album ‘Echoes’.


Great thanks, signed up

Shackleton and the holy tongue on Friday :+1::+1:


Got a do on in Northampton next month also, quick paint jobby for the poster just now

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if anyone’s in this neck of the woods for Valentines, bring your other half here >>


Clocked this on Nancys page earlier, looks like it should be a fun one


Quite fancy this as I can get train home


I’ve been waiting all week for some reviews or photos from last weekend… i left my phone in the hotel… Don’t remember seeing a phone or camera all day… hopefully more photos will pop up…



Anyone London based want my ticket for this? Mega knackered from this week already and the last train home is looking honking right now

Nice, thanks for the review. I have tickets to see Ganavya in a small solo show, and also adding vocals to a Nils Frahm concert this month. Can’t wait!

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Been helping set up the 2nd ‘Vaultage’ party for tonight. Really good space under the railway station (only one bad photo from earlier)
Loads of furniture moved out. Sound/light/decor/custom booth & art gone in. Residents plus Justin Robertson tonight.
I also moved about 2000 records earlier- in severe need of a Radox bath and a disco nap!


Have a cracker! :sun_with_face:

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Can’t make this tonight, short notice but If anyone in Dublin or knows someone who might want a ticket let me know… FREE…:green_heart:

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Louie Vega tonight, pretty jazzy start but got there in the end with Black Gold etc. good fun and great hat!


I really enjoyed it. Two hour show. Some great covers - Fantasy by Johnny Hammond, the Ghetto, and Black Gold was outstanding. Excellent mix of stuff, Brazilian - Berimbau, a Joyce cover - dance floor jazzy stuff, and then some more soulful house stuff (bit beige at times, Josh Milan on vocals reminding me that some Blaze stuff was a bit dull). Great show 8/10


Might be able to help here if still required?

Thanks let me ask if he still needs tix. How many do you have?

Two tix and sadly no way I can go