What you going to?

Kruder & Dorfmeister in Boston. Day after my wife’s 40th, so thoughts and prayers at the ready please gents.


We went to see Ganavya and a small group of outstanding musicians perform in the bizarre surroundings of a Notting Hill yoga studio on Friday. It was a memorable show. She has a beautiful voice and it was pretty transcendental at times.
Check this video of a performance last year


I bought two tickets for this. Knowing my flaky mates I’ll be on here trying to give the second ticket away the week before!!!


Got hooked up with a ticket for Southport weekender- which looks super fun- not been before and looks like I’ll be one of the younger folk going (38)! Any forum heads going? Gonna be interesting as will be my first big weekend sober- well alcohol free anyway!


Tickets bought

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I’ll be there, been a while, last time was at Minehead maybe ten years ago, so be interested to see what it’s like at Bognor. Still a nightmare to get to but will be great fun and always an up for it super friendly crowd.


Gutted I missed it at minehead, only an hour away

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Off to see Florence Adooni at the Jazz Caff in May, highly recommended if you’re into highlife or afrobeat. It’s the launch party for her album which i’m sooo looking forward to. This tune was my track of the year last year - bit of a house influence creeping into her music, killer stuff…

Florence Adooni - Vocalize My Luv


Anyone going to Lowlife? Shout if you’ve got any spare tickets. A few friends need one.

Thank you!

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I have tix but theres a possibility we can’t go. Will let you know

Thanks Tim. Will definitely take the tix if you can’t go. And let’s hang out if you can go.

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Same here (have tickets but unsure if we can make it). Will keep you posted.

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Nearly wasn’t going to this ashad loads of work on but got up to date .:pray: So leaving in afternoon thinking of doing the 5:30 - 10:45 shift main room :green_heart: and if anymone gas In the tank I’ll hopefully see out the last 3 hours with JC…:notes::notes::notes::notes::notes:


Ooof, Idjut Boys followed by Joe Claussell is killer booking. Enjoy


Heading to Dennis Bovell at the Jazz Cafe tomorrow. I’ve missed his previous king tubby tributes so looking forward


Good that they make the times absolutely clear


Ooft, really jealous. Have a good one and report back.

Few pics from earlier in the week,the rooms will be great…


Some pics from our party on Saturday which happened to fall on my 54th birthday. it was a killer day/night!


looks great, love the bubbles and the little TVs
and welcome to Club 54

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