Dave, Loyle Carner, Arctic Monkeys, Aitch, Tyler TC, Fontaines DC, Pa Salue, Camelphat, Daniel Caesar and Little Simz mainly. I say mainly but virtually nothing outside of that bunch. Not too bad really. And they are both at uni now so I get free reign
well, now that my kid is 8.5 she’s all in on pop music. i just helped her make her first playlist and it’s full of lady pop - lizzo, miley, taylor, olivia rodrigo and a TON of lady gaga. and for some reason, billy idol’s “white wedding”.
i don’t mind it as much as i thought i would, at least she likes music. she’s not yet at the age where she’s asking me to turn off the stuff that i like. i’ll try not to do that to her either.
White Wedding is an amazing record though, loved that when I was 12/13
no doubt, it’s a ripper.
our current nighttime read is boomi’s boombox, which i can recommend - it’s kind of a sad and weird tale, but basically a young girl’s dad dies of covid and she discovers a time-travel link to a 12yo-version-of-her-dad through an old mixtape and personal stereo (we used to call them ghetto blasters, which i cringe to think that a young me would actually proudly say out loud).
the chapters are all titled after big pop songs of 84-86, and we watch the videos of all of them before we read them. there was a chapter called “rebel yell” and we watched the video, but then i was like “you gotta see this ‘white wedding’ video - but be warned - it’s full of butts” and lol, she loved it, and had to put it on the playlist.
it’s kind of got everything that a babygoth wants - leather, coffins, motorcycles, churches, shirtless dudes, a little bit of blood, and a big ol’ pop music hook.
Just walked into my son’s bedroom and he’s revising, whilst listening to Sade.
My work here is done…
My 10 year old really likes Joy Orbison. Baby steps.
My 4 year old is really into these Gen Z jazz dudes, Dana & Alden.
I was listening to their record in the car one day, and something just clicked for him. Now we’re listening to it on a daily basis!
A couple of years ago my daughter put her music on the car on holiday.
She was 15, and played Nico and I was - “oh my god, Velvet Underground, Andy Warhol, New York, Lou Reed, walk on the wild side, rolling stones, bananas, rare vinyl covers” etc etc etc…
She’s like, I dunno, just liked it from someone’s playlist.
Awkward moment.
I did learn about Dave from her. Funky Friday. One of my favourite videos from that holiday is my two rapping along.
And I heard Ferrari Horses then too.
More recently she plays Smiths and other singer songwriter-y stuff.
It’s one of my things to look for Joni Mitchell LPs for her when I go digging as I can’t remember my own wants list.
Recently I bought Court & Spark and Ladies of the Canyon, I’ll give them to her on her 18th.
My son has Down Syndrome and loves Spotify.
He teaches me about it. Sadly his fav is Jason DeRulo. When he was younger he loved Trojan for Kids double cd. How far he has fallen!
He’ll kitchen dance to anything though, so I can’t wait to take him to a club!
This is a well known danish childrens record and its become quite collectable. But i managed to score a good copy and my son loves it. All the Lotte Kærså releases are recommended but this is the best one. Living room dances guaranted.
Current listening here for my two (17 and 15) is 360 by Charlie xcx- I’m not gonna lie I don’t mind it myself, bit of attitude to it, unlike a lot of modern pop
Played SL2 “On a ragga tip” last night in the kitchen. Neither teen had ever heard it before - incredible!
I think my daughter saw the potential of it as a massive rave up party starter amongst friends.
My son, completely non-plussed.
Eternal banger
13 has been listening to Brazilian fonk, rally car house v3 (fuck knows what that is. I’m just scraping reddit for definitions😅) and some bizzaro kuduro/Principe sounding stuff she saw on a tiktok dance channel.
I’m glad she doesn’t know Portuguese cuz my brasil mates say some of those fonk tracks are filthy. I guess only as filthy as N.W.A and snoop I listened to when I was 13🙉
The lyrics on those tracks are so explicit they make NWA and Snoop sound like Oscar Wilde.
I’ve been debating lending my 15 year old nephew my CD collection and/or my old hard drive (which has a wide mix of genres) but I’m not sure if it will pique his interest. Plus the fact the music is not on a phone… which could be a good thing.
I’m leaning towards trying it anyway and seeing what happens
You should 100% do that. I was given tapes by one of my sisters boyfriends when I was that age and it changed everything.
My 11 year old - who may genuinely be the coolest kid on earth - does a lot of drawing and I just got him a Bose Soundlink and he’s home from school today and all I can hear from his room is the music he’s playing. So far it’s been Goldie, The Verve, some orchestral thing I don’t know the name of, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs!, some De La Soul and my absolute favourite so far, Biz Markie “Just A Friend”.
Asked him how he found out about Biz Markie and he told me it was from a De La Soul track and seemed quite incredulous that I didn’t put that together on my own.
Definitely influenced by his parents but not mad at the soundtrack today.