What do your kids listen to?

I have 3; 2, 5, & 8. I play a lot of music around the house and you’d think they’d for sure be into it due to pure aggressive indoctrination but apparently the school bus driver is more influential than I am.

Eldest found the Gorillaz on his own and he loves the characters and artwork more than the music but he plays it to watch the videos, so it could be worse. It was Old Town Road on loop for a while, which were very dark days.

What about yours?

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My 1.5 year old’s favorites include Sister Nancy - Bam Bam, anything by the JBs, some Funkadelic, Tom Tom Club. Guessing my influence will start to fade as she gets older though.

Oh yeh and a whole bunch of Cocomelon shiiiiite.


As soon as they get headphones it’s game over. (They’ll never tell you).


11 year old: lots of rappers I’ve never heard of.

14 year old: absolutely no idea. Would never tell.

Obviously they think my music is ****. So basically it’s all good/par for the course.


my kid (almost 7) pretty much listens to whatever i do, but isn’t quite at the point of requesting anything specific yet. anytime i’m playing something, and ask her if she likes it, she’s just like “yep”. if the radio is playing shitty indie-rock, she might ask me to turn it off, especially if it’s all shouty.

when she was little she loved the casper babypants stuff (local hero) and would ask for that, and she always gets me to buy something from the kids section at the record stores.

for a while, she was obsessed with “shari vari”. before that, it was grace love & the trueloves. who knows what’s next.

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When they’re younger I love the fact that they just love what they love, with no context or belief about what they should be into.

So pure.


Innit, I used to play Come To Daddy to some kids my wife looked after and they’d go mental

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2 & 5, no real preference but they do love bangers. My son (2) loves dancing, he’s much better than me!


When my two boys were really young their favourite song was Captain Starlight, or the spaceman song as it was known.
My eldest got a set of old belt drives & mixer from my brother when he was 15. He was big into Daft Punk and I gave him a stack of similar stuff to play.
They’re both now into a mix of new stuff I’ve never heard of and some older that they grew up with that me and their mum played.
My youngest was obsessed with Guardians of the Galaxy and wanted a Walkman for his birthday. Ever since I’ve made him tapes of stuff.


When my younger sister was around 4 years old she used to love Weather Report’s “Birdland” cos I kept playing it for her all the time. That was cool. She’s 19 now I have no idea what she likes but it’s probably what’s in the charts.

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13 year old - fairly eclectic tastes. He’s lead singer in a band and each term they study a different genre. His favourite has been soul and funk and he is now into Aretha in a big way. He also listens to a lot of stuff I’ve never heard of - Willow, The Girl in Red, etc but has also just started getting into some 90’s. I love it when he goes, “Dad, have you ever heard this?” and then proceeds to play something like Dummy by Portishead or suchlike, so I can then bore him for 20 minutes, but also recommend other stuff he should check out, which he then ignores :smiley:

11 year old - Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eilish, etc.


My 8 year old loves Redbone “come and get your love” from the guardians of the galaxy movies. I liked it as well until the 800th time.


Know that feeling :joy:

My 22 year old shares a lot of my taste, which is fun. We’ve seen some great shows together, too, from Bon Iver to Beck, and Atoms For Peace to Kanye West. The 20 year old has less overlap, being deeply into The Cure, who I can only take in small doses. He also likes some prog stuff, like Dream Theater, which is not quite up my alley. But we share a love of The Beatles, Joy Division, and Bauhaus.

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My 5 year old loves Leon Thomas. Weird but also lots of fun. She loves it when he does that yodeling kind of scat (or whatever it is he does but you all know what i mean). I think it’s pretty badass when we get down to “Shape Your Mind to Die”. The older likes a bit of everything but gravitates towards dancehall. Her favorite tune of all time is “Boasty”. Recently we’ve digging Little Zims “Point & Kill” it’s the kids favorite and they sing along from the backseat of the car on our way to school everyday, i like it too. When they ask me to play some shit i just say no, i’m the only dad in their school who gets paid because of my great taste in music so don’t try some shit on me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I played my 9-year old girls Sunn 0))) this week and they loved it. Once one of them said to me in the car “I just want to listen to something with no words, beats, and weird electronic spacey sounds”. “That’s my girl,” I thought.


your work here is done, etc etc


18 year old daughter has quite mainstream tastes just now, Gerry Cinnamon, Liam Gallacher and some popular with kids house DJs like Mela Dee and Denis Sulta. Two boys (9 and 7) both love Billy Joel - We Didn’t Start the Fire! :neutral_face::rofl:


The dream we all dream of! I’m still waiting….

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My 3 year old was involuntarily dancing to Hip Hop legends, PJ & Duncan’s ‘Let’s Get Ready To Rumble’ as it played over the instore system in Poundland earlier.