This is my 16 yr olds latest obsession. It annoys me how tinny it sounds, but it is annoyingly catchy. Got her two “vinyls” for her birthday.
Decided to get him an ipod classic from ebay and I will upload 6000 tracks of music I had on my old itunes / white macbook (loads of hip hop, house, garage, disco, reggae)
Just hoping the laptop can withstand the music transfer
Driving my 13-year-old daughter to school and she put Joesphine French Edit on, do I win the thread?
11 year old just celebrated his mighty hammers winning by blasting quite a silly record by a guy called PAWSA called Pick Up The Phone. He asked me where I find music and I told him how I used to read DJ Mag. Muzik, Jockey Slut, etc. and he found this by listening to a DJ Mag playlist. Proud dad moment. I’m not explaining the lyrics to him just yet.
Not the greatest but I wouldn’t be too sour…dough.
On the other hand, if your reaction was “Focaccia’s sake’ that’s understandable.
With zero input from me, my daughter has got into dancehall. Torn between pride and horror that she knows every word of ‘One Man’ by Vanessa Bling.
No knead for that!
Only City Lights would beat that
My 17y old daughter was playing Razzy original of I Hate Hate earlier
The now 22 and 13 year old went to see Nas together at the tail end of 2024, so things are certainly improving.
13 year old is also very excited to be seeing Fifty Cent in the Summer!
Tbh I’m just happy that they get pleasure from music.