Saw “Perfect Days” last night and thought it was a beautiful film about “being”. (Possible spoiler alert ) The focus on simplicity and being present in as many moments of the day as possible was refreshing in an age of distraction and often wilful chaos. The interlude with his family did raise questions for me about whether he’s truly living in the moment, escaping/avoiding a fracture or trauma in his life or a mixture of both. Likely the latter, IMHO, which makes the film even more human and engaging.
Saw Dune: Part Two last night
As with nearly all Denis Villeneuve’s recent films it leaves your head spinning as you leave the cinema. There are some awe inspiring moments, and its truly a visually stunning piece of cinema. I never read the book or saw the original so some of the Prophecy stuff left me confused, not sure how well that has translated in this iteration. Some subplots and charcaters feel underdeveloped but nevertheless I’m not sure there’s been an art house blockbuster as hallucinatory as this before. See it in IMAX for the seat rumbling experience
American Fiction - really liked it, particularly the parts about family and love, but it didn’t quite get the ending right. Still a really good watch.
Yeh agree with that. I went and read a few explainers after which made it clearer.
Surprisingly I didnt feel it was too long.
Definitely needs to be seen on the big screen. Especially for the audio which I thought was incredible.
Just watched Dune Pt1. Unpopular opinion perhaps but what a fucking snooze fest . Every scene was exactly the same, the plot makes zero sense (OK, exposition/setting things up but even so…)
It’s just a weird mash up of Star Wars/Lord of the Rings/Prometheus. Seen it alllll before…
And yet another film where key points of the plot are fucking mumbled AND whispered. Absolutely infuriating
That was a real struggle to get through
Best bit for me was the Emporer dude looked like Syd Barrett when he’d got really fat and gone batshit. And I quite enjoyed him floating around like Vic Reeves in the Masterchef sketch
Cakeyshoe. Shoeycake.
Definitely liked Lynchs version the most but will watch 2 and 3.
Yeah same, watched Part 1 at home a few weeks ago, found it really dull & gave up well before the end.
I really like Arrival and Bladerunner 2049. Was really quite looking forward to seeing it (never quite got around to it until today).
If there’s one shot of some oval shaped craft hanging in the CGI sky with lens flare there’s a thousand
I lasted about 20 minutes
I have to admit I was disappointed with it. I love Jeffrey Wright and was hoping for something much sharper. The book stuff felt pretty lumpen and like it could have been funnier. The rest of it was pleasant but sort of inconsequential. Maybe my expectations were too high.
It wasn’t the sharp satirical film I expected from the trailer at all
Just out of the Zone of Interest. A masterpiece.
EDIT. A note on fucking multiplex cinemas just not knowing (or giving a flying fuck most likely) about the films they’re showing. After what is probably one of the most devastating end sequences of any film I can remember seeing, with the silence of the blank screen hanging there, we were treated to approx five seconds to contemplate what we’d just witnessed before the fucking house lights were on. I mean seriously? Nobody in that screening was up and out of their recliner seat immediately. It made me so fucking angry
Yep. Don’t think I got halfway through it. Just not my thing as I think Star Wars is shite.
Bit late to the party as always but saw Dune II on that there IMAX.
Never seen anything on IMAX before, bloody amazing. Even the trailers for shit looked fecking epic.
maybe not quite the right sort of film but saw the new Ghostbusters today, was OK, lots of references back to the original, pretty uninspired cameo from Bill Murray who I assume was just picking up his cheque. Almost two hours, could have been. James Acaster has reasonably big role
Saw at cinema tonight. Amazingness.
30th Anniversary screening of Interview With The Vampire
Late Night With The Devil
Booked for both and very much looking forward!
There’s a film that had no business being made. Rehashing nostalgia is such a blight on the cinematic landscape.
Had a free ticket to the new Ghostbusters thing so went along. A decent opening 20 mins but thats kinda it. Its over stuffed with waaay too many characters, a weak cut & paste copy plot from the first one and the original cast look like they want to be anywhere else. Time to lay this franchise to rest.