The Ibiza Thread

16th Sept for me and Mrs Chris. Same, still gonna be mobbed I think but will roll the dice

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I actually just had to go online and check that this was correct.

Ahahahahahahanaha…the world has truly gone mad.


What the actual f@&k? :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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it’s basically no different to the hotels of Mayfair-Monte Carlo-Dubai where extreme garish wealth occasionally shimmys to whatever ‘electronic beats’ are served up in the VIP lounge and where people are prepared to pay serious dough for that ‘exclusivity’. It will happen everywhere soon enough as the remaining ashes of dance culture are monetised by those who neither understand nor care. It’s got me thinking about what kind of future there is for the frazzled survivors of post-acid house and it warms my heart that there are bars and niche festies still catering to the renegades. But Ibiza itself is just a pastiche of its past in every sense albeit with nice sunsets, the last freebie left.


I’d get flights and 2 nights for that…

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the last freebie left…

For now…

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Also there on the 16th! Very much looking forward to seeing Harvey again after the 2023 hiatus.

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I took one phone pic when we were at Pike’s for Harvey, and I think it’s rather nice…


TBH the marketing for Pikes rubs me the wrong way. It just seems a bit fake with the “quirky” winking vibe. But maybe that’s just me.

In their defence it’s still free, the drinks are almost reasonable by Ibiza standards, but it’s rammed and there’s a fair few Guy Ritchie extras wannabes in the garden bit. Guess businesses even in Ibiza can’t rest on laurels so have to heavy market. Who would be a club owner these days? Not me

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Some DJ popped up in my feed wandering round espousing the greatness of Pikes, he looked like the unlikeliest person I could imagine playing there, both he and the place looked naff as you like. Reminded me of the crowd in Shoreditch House last trip to the smoke. Maybe I’m too old for this shit anyway, no I’m definitely too old… :wink:


Yeah, i saw that too. Resplendent in the tech-house bro two piece.


You’re not too old, they’re just getting too annoying :rofl:


Haha too kind… :older_man:t2:


I’ve never been to Ibiza and I’ve never seen Harvey play. For many years I’ve joked that the first time I go will likely be my 50th bday. This September 23rd, when Harvey plays, is my actual 50th birthday. My wife being made redundant has nixed all plans, so could someone please tape it for me and we’ll try again for my 60th :disappointed:


Harvey’s at Koko soon if a trip to the smoke is within reach?

Yes I saw! I’m at some friends 50th party in Margate though. Wasn’t meant to be…

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anyone else going to beat hotel? We’re doing that thing by the pool on Sept 27

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This has just been brought to my attention. New Kylie x Blessed Madonna single filmed entirely in Pikes.

Lol… better than the last time she was there with James Cordon and Jack Whitehall…