South West Crew- Where are you?

What were you playing back then??

Funk, rare groove, beginnings of big beat, disco. It was a tiny club filled to the max with art students and nicer locals. The worst thing that happened here in regards to interesting nights was when Plymouth Uni closed their art department in Exeter and took it back on site in Plymouth.


Hampshire here (near Winchester) & Manchester. 50/50.

Attended Plymouth art department in Exeter, and the Cheesy Club! Though more regualrly at Who’s Ya Daddy on the alternate Thursday night, since I was hanging out with that crew. Similar music to Cheesy downstairs, house upstairs. Timepiece was brilliant.

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I went to a few Who’s Ya Daddy’s!! A girl called Grace used to come around campus with the flyers. Remember a guy called Barry (comedian now) who was involved I think? Really banging music upstairs in the old timepiece, looked like a loft. Good times :blush:

Yep run by Barry & Mario, Exeter uni students from London. Upstairs the resident was a house DJ called Quinn I think, who was somehow affilated with Sabres and came down from London every fortnight. Downstairs was a similar musical vibe to Cheesy club. Good times indeed!

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No way!! Always wondered who the DJ was upstairs! After 30 years still remember hearing Quench dreams there for first time and thinking it was amazing, unlike anything I’d ever heard, those sinister church bells ricocheting around that small oom. Whereas downstairs was more likely to be Martine jarreault revival or BNH midnight at the oasis. I remember some of them doing a party at the university a bit later, when the dreadzone album came out. I don’t remember a lot of pills more cider/weed mostly but I was v innocent then lol


Yep, Barry Castagnola. I went a few times and played downstairs a couple of times… i’ll have a dig later - will definitely have a flyer somewhere at home… Knew quite a few art college folks. How old are you? Younger than Matt and Maf who ran Cheesey but older than Ben & Lex, i’d imagine?

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I’m 48, Exeter-based 93–97. Did art history, so was a bit on the periphery at the art college, mostly hung out with a mix of Exeter uni people and locals. Would love to see some flyers!

Formative party years for me, so many great nights. Others that stand out are Andy Weatherall at Volts (a few times), Irration Steppas at the town hall (maybe?), traveller raves on Dartmoor/Exmoor, Lakota in Bristol, Laterns Ashburton…


For anyone in the Exeter area Friday… Ben Wijay who used to run Chameleon is back from Oz for a few weeks so is joining us at The Phoenix Terrace…

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Marvellous. I remember those! Just having a flashback to another party at the warehouse I think called clubsexy around 96/97. They had tony de vit down! Can’t say i massively enjoyed it, the full ‘hoover’ experience.


i moved to Cardiff September 95 so would’ve missed that. Can’t say I’m disappointed.

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Amazing! I remember all of those. Hung out with Bob Sanders a lot, did a lot of clubbing and partying with the WYD crew outside of the nights themselves too.

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@Spider A few of us (sometimes a couple of car loads) used to drive up for a night called Redemption at the Time Piece, would have been 91.
Was that night anything to do with you? Did you go?
It was mainly Hip Hop with a bit a Rare Groove/Breaks thrown in if my memory serves me right.

Not me mate… I didn’t go to Timepiece much until 93/94 when i started working there. Possibly Mickey Moff (rip) night? Ask Louis or Adam Cowley, they’ll have gone/remember

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We’re now delivering a veg box to the chap who owns Timepiece, his wife (25 years younger) is a mum friend with my partner! Rock n roll!


Rob. Nice guy. Both him and George, the other owner are really nice.

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This Sunday scrumpy crew


Hello all, another SW returnee here. Grew up in Cornwall, headed off to London for uni. Forward to 20 and a bit years later have returned to just outside of Exeter. Really enjoying being back in the SW with the exception of the dearth of good music in and around Exeter (well compared to London anyway). Will check this to see if anything pops up…