Socks - Keeping toes warm and looking nice at the same time

Don’t know if anyone has mentioned this lot yet? Jollie Socks. Very comfortable, decent price and also a nice business.

I got a few pairs for Christmas and all good so far.


Thanks for the heads up. They look decent, especially for the price.

I’ve just bought a box.

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Move this to its own thread as I like socks and well… I need to up my sock game…


I have a pair of rototo double face socks. Very comfy, warm, great for winter. They look nice too. But a bit pricey.

Rocking some Chup socks today

But I’d say these from Thunders Love have garnered the most compliments over time. Proper Kubrick Overlook Hotel vibes.


Very smart, might be my next purchase after the disappointment of buying what looked very good late one night like something that clicked on to your phone and let you see for miles… What arrived was a pervie monocler. :frowning:

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Anonymous Ism crew socks are my favourite but I can’t justify the price of them at the moment so looking for cheaper alternatives.

tidy crepes! who makes those? please don’t say Yuketen! :wink: @howler

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:rofl: of course they are…

whispers they were half price in a sale a couple of years ago. I’d never pay full whack.


OhReuven from Sock Council will be so proud of you chaps. I love Burlingtons, they go woth all the tweeds and I’m not even joking. Anyway is this in the Garms section?!

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I’ve now invested into four pairs of Thunder Socks and absolutely love 'em

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How fantastic. I am a sock fan, but never really had any luck finding good ones. At my age the sock is a frontrunner in the clothing stakes

Also what trews are they ? Fabric looks :ok_hand:

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You are indeed in the garms section :socks:

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Burlington Rider socks. Cycling. Plus fours Adidas Marathons. Daily wear for me


They’re a pair of dead stock 1960’s French HBT work pants.

One of my fave fabrics, no question.

Anonymous ism socks are nice but I don’t get only making one size. For £5 Community Clothing do nice socks and they are made in UK, good quality though they seem to be out of stock of the brighter ones, might be a Covid thing.


+1 on Community Clothing. Their jeans are also great, good cut and cheap if you’re in the market


Hadn’t heard of Community Clothing before. Looks good. Does good. Nice one.


Been avoiding the clobber thread to not get tempted into spunking loads of money of socks. Now this! Im done for

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