Small Claims Court

Do they still do a podcast/online-radio-thing? I used to love their Makin’ Music podcast

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When I lived in West Hollywood it was around the time they started making those weird mansions that are all square and fit into a block where an apartment complex used to be. Loads of celebs moved in and one of them was Seth Rogen and his lovely wife Lauren, and we walked past each other enough times to strike up a conversation every night. I even got papped as “mystery friend”. I pretended I didn’t know who they were and it out them at ease.

Jonah Hill randomly went to my wife’s 22nd birthday party and on one of the evening walks he was with the Rogen’s and recognized her and they had a merry old chat. He’s genuinely a nice guy.

Oh and the singer BANKS worked for my wife selling perfume and was always writing down lyrics instead of doing any actual work, her boyfriend at the time was Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs. He seemed like a decent guy.


I own a postcard signed by all four Housemartins.

do I win a prize?


If you can rub out the other three it might be worth something


I have a doddle by Moby. He was scribbling on ticket at his gig in Dublin years ago

Noel Gallagher ask me for a Margarita on the rocks at the place I was working, I made the strongest and shittiest Margarita I could with more tequila and less ice I could so he won’t complain.
When he ask me the third he could barely speak (not sure if it was the pints of tequila or the blow) and told me I was his favourite bartender.


in a tammy wynette klf kinda style? lol


In Liverpool, early 90’s. Was walking near the bombed out church.

I saw whiny voiced American “comedian” Ëmo Phillips staring intently at it.

He said (in character) “What’s that building?”

“Er, it’s the bombed out church mate”

“Do they do bombed services there?”



Forgot all about him, wonder what happened to him?


My brother told Grot Bags from The Pink Windmill Show to fuck off because she wouldn’t sign an autograph.
I got into a drunken conversation with John Peel about Roxanne Shante (I was drunk he wasn’t).
I was in the Mud Club in Leicester when a very refreshed ‘Steve McDonald’ from Coronation Street came out of a cubicle, a girl who was also in the Gents shouted to her mate ‘‘Oi it’s that twat from Emmerdale’’. He wasn’t happy.
I was at a DIY Free Party somewhere in Nottinghamshire in the 1990’s, Simon DK was playing and he was so wankered, myself and someone else had to hold him up while he was mixing. he never missed a beat.


Classic DiY tale! Hilarious.


I once asked Craig Charles what time he was going on? (Funk and Soul Show) He said to me ‘Yeah they’re jushhhht gettin’ thingshh shreadddddy for me, yer knowwwww…’

I really wanted to ask him if the rumours of Snowboy making his mixes for him were true :rofl:


James Taylor from the James Taylor Quartet asked me where the toilet was. And I told him.


Ha ha ha! I remember seeing JTQ in about '89 in London. There was a lull in the proceedings and someone shouted out “five quid to come and watch a man play with his organ”



I can’t take the credit for this but made me smile anyways:

At least one half of the Cheeky Girls are doing OK - flogging Hyundais in York (bought our car from there).

The guy who got the exclusive is technically a journalist :grin:

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I worked in an office that had MTV on a tv in the corner of the room. The singer from Travis came in one day as he knew the lady I worked with. They were big at the time and his song came on the tv about the rain while he was waiting for her to get off the phone. He just stood there singing along to his own song. Not jaded in the least bit. Seemed a genuinely good human.


I knew Viola Wills a few years before her passing when she lived a tiny bedsit opposite the Royal Pavillion in Brighton. She was married to my then partner (so she could stay in the country). Used to be her right hand man when she gigged around Brighton. Lovely lady… it was a pleasure.


Travis mentioned twice in the last few posts :ok_hand:


Pete Waterman. Love him or hate him, I know there’s no in between. In 86 I got a job in a commodity brokers just south of London Bridge and in my lunch break used to walk down to PWL trying to blag a job as a tea boy. There were 3 huge BMWs, one each for the trio in their allocated parking spaces… I never got further than the receptionist.

A few years later I did a remix at PWL and went for drinks with the whole staff, obviously Pete was the complete centre of attention, surrounded by sycophants and yes men all nodding and chirping in at the right moments as he recounted tales he must have told a thousand times. What a guy though.



This is my friend Tim from Adelaide, whose date for his year 10 Formal was a young pop sensation in the making known as Sia.