Small Claims Court

If no Pete W, then no KLF


Met him a couple of times in a pub in Crouch End way back when. And another member of the band, who I only realised who he was years later.

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That was what reminded me : )

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She’s lovely and hard work at the exact same time.

Randomly my neighbors walking the dogs tonight and one was wearing a Father John Misty tshirt and as they’re well into their 70’s I asked them about it. He’s their son in law.


I’ve got tons of these…

1994, off my head on the ol’ Adam, 4am Richmond Civic Center, Richmond, California. Almost literally ran into Superstar DJ Keoki (who I despised at the time lol) and, full of the unmitigated truth serum, patted him on the back and said “Keoki! I actually enjoyed your set tonight!”. He shoved past me.

A few years ago I was DJ’ing at Dublab in LA and had to run to the car to grab something. I open the studio door and run straight into Nick Kroll, who was preparing for a show in the bar downstairs. “Oh Hi Nick Kroll” I stupidly said immediately upon opening the door, he said hello and I went about my business.

San Francisco 1996?. Walking down Haight Street one afternoon I see a man, dressed in all black, walking up the opposite side of the street and arguing with himself at near top volume. It became apparent quickly that this was Keanu Reeves.

Amoeba San Francisco 2008. Robert Plant is shopping in the store and all us employees have got wind of it and are secretly stalking him from afar. From the information booth in the center of the store, we watched him shop for Arabic pop for one of his sons. We were lost in chatting about it when one of my coworkers slunk past the booth and shouted at top volume, “ahh-AHahhhhhhhhhhhhh-AH” ala Immigrant Song. Unbeknownst to us, Plant wasn’t deep in the stacks shopping but standing fifteen feet away from us in the checkout line, now staring in our direction with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I can’t do that anymore!” he exclaimed. My coworker slithered away in abject horror.

Robin Williams nearly hit me with his SUV in an intersection off of Haight Street one afternoon. I was mad at first, saw who it was, waved stupidly and let him off the hook.

I met Mr. Rogers as a child and have photographic evidence.

Jason Pierce walked into my shop a month ago. I didn’t realize it was him at first, which is funny as I was planning on seeing two Spiritualized shows in a row starting that evening. Upon realizing one of my actual musical heroes was shopping in my place of business, I jumped up from my desk in the back office and offered to help him. He asked, “What day is it?”

so many more…


Fantastic, keep 'em coming!


“What day is it?” I love him even more now!!!


OK here’s a good one. Around 1993 or 94 I was an extra in the Sinbad-starring comedy vehicle Houseguest which also featured the incredible Phil Hartman. I was in the big scene in the school auditorium where Sinbad, who has been faking that he’s some famous doctor or scientist that’s supposed to give a lecture, struggles onstage to BS his way through it. It was a nearly day-long shoot with about 150 extras. You can clearly see me in the scene if you pause in the right place and have a decent enough rez. I’m sitting about five feet away from Hartman in the scene. Since filming movies takes a long time, there was loads of downtime where we’d be waiting for the cameras to be set up, and the whole day Hartman entertained us between takes with very, very blue jokes that had the immediate vicinity around him in stitches. He was very sweet and crazy funny. It’s my fondest lasting memory of him.

Mid 2000s in San Francisco, there’s a fantastic sketch comedy festival here that is still running. One year early on in the fest’s history I attended a show in which a bunch of alt-comedians (at the time at least) sat on a panel and played the Match Game with contestants pulled out of the audience. (Brits, YouTube Match Game '74 and you’ll get the idea). I think the panel was Doug Benson, Paul F Tompkins, Maria Bamford, Scott Aukerman, Brian Posehn & David Cross. I was chosen as a contestant and during my time (I lost) I made a self-deprecating joke that got a big laugh. Afterwards I was invited to drinks with all those comedians and a ton more. The rest of the festival, I was invited to any show I wanted for free, got shout-outs from the stage at other comic’s gigs, was written up in the local edition of The Onion (when we had that) in their coverage of the fest, and within a day was getting recognized on the street, at other shows, in cafes etc. It was a fun two weeks and I got to hang with some insanely talented people. My 15 minutes of fame. LOL


I have a small claims from outside your store a few weeks ago. I went down on a Tuesday and it was closed, so I pulled out my phone to see what was open and Jason Mantzoukas walks by and casually says that your store is closed on Tuesdays and that I should walk with him up to Groove Merchant. I did the whole “I don’t know who you are” thing and we had a good chat about music. To say that he’s into a wide range of music is an understatement.

Also, I changed all my trips to SF to wednesdays and thursdays from now on. Fool me once etc etc.


Richard Reid the shoe bomber went to my college. We went out tagging with him a few times. He wrote Respond or something like that. He was a weird guy.



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Didn’t he also go to Thomas Tallis school in Kidbrooke? I did my teacher training there back in 97/97.

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I have no clue. He went to Orpington college. But my kid went to Tallis :smiley: and his mum is a governor.

Richard Reid’s mum or the mother of your child?


I’ll add my own terrorism related small claim.

I met John ‘Smeato’ Smeaton at the football a few years back. He was the baggage handler at Glasgow Airport who helped subdue the two terrorists at GA back in 2007. :joy:


The mother of my child is a governor at the school. :smiley:


I met him a fair few times back mid 80’s also through graff. His tag was Enrol I think. I remember he had a brass name belt buckle thing that was an anagram of Enrol, so he wouldn’t get busted by the cops.

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The man is stuff of folklore. One of the best news stories ever!


Enrol!!! That was it.

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