Podcasts - making each walk more enjoyable

In Gizmodo’s 6-part podcast, The Gateway . Journalist Jennings Brown investigates the dangerous effects of YouTube guru Teal Swan on her loyal Facebook followers. Teal Swan is not a licensed therapist and admits to using SEO and tags to target depressed and suicidal people, as well as creating her own therapy practices to treat them. She is hypnotic, alluring, and adamant that she is not the leader of a cult, even though her followers call themselves the Teal Tribe. There’s much more to this story that I can’t give away, and it made me wish this podcast would never end.


Three ace music-related podcasts I’ve listened to recently:


Really enjoying it so far, Thanks.

This is a go to for me, takes the mick and analyses the way football folk speak, and how it pops up in other aspects of life and the media. “Irreverent tosh” as described by former guest Geoff Shreeves.


Ours kids are in the same class at school (small claim) - big up Chris W!