Podcasts - making each walk more enjoyable

Good review for the Belgrano Diaries in the paper today, going to get on it

I would guess that others here have issues with the spine like I have, this episode is helpful for that. BTW instead of a pillow under the neck I roll a towel.

Tom Holland’s Fridge confession was a surprise!


This is a decent listen. Nothing you’ve probably not heard before but worth an hour of your time


Have we had this yet? Looking forward to digging in



Three Been Salad is irreverent and silly. Genuinely makes me giggle.

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This looks ace!

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Into ep.1 great stuff!

Bill Brewster’s Dj History Podcast with Jane Fitz is very nice. A lot of talk about Italian house music.


Get some vertical vibrations in your walk with Laraaji at Esalen.


Big fan of Ri History
Just done 4 part series on 74 Heath / Wilson / Unions / Thatcher

Gives you a great perspective on how politics evolved


Probably been mentioned previously, super eccentric, thoughtful, charming. Welcome to the world of Blindboy…


Big fan of Jonathan Wilson, appeals to the football geek in me :grinning:. Like the way he looks at football, not just the game but the historical contexts of the time too.

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As a time capsule this is so good (as is the following weeks episode). A chat AI bot from Feb ‘23 when AI was still a bit scary falls in love with the host…

Faith crew in this episode, worth a listen…should have spent more time on the message board though :joy:

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Will post the article that led me to this in the relevant thread

Been some years now since the first “season” but Transmissions: The Definitive Story Of Joy Division & New Order, is returning. After 3-4 years, I figured it was just dead in the water and they wouldn’t bother covering the rest of New Order proper.

A lot of overlap in what I already knew but enjoyed the first go round. The teaser they’ve posted in regards to S2 was good, had to do with the recording of world in motion, which I adore. Included in that teaser was a cut take of the song’s rap from another footballer that was utterly abysmal. Fun stuff.


I thoroughly enjoyed “Ecstasy: The Battle of Rave”. When Ecstasy and Acid House first swept Britain, a group of lives would be changed forever. One Story. Half real life. Half drama. Great production as well.


Really enjoyed this as well

A rec from Mark Leckey in The Guardian. My new obsession me thinks.