Getting through lockdown tip sheet

I’ve been ‘practising’ for 30 odd years, but been so hard getting motivated ‘languishing’ this last year, especially as I refused to join the plague surfers and get in the sea. I think at my age without Yoga I wouldn’t be able to surf no more so it’s a necessary discipline really.

'guishing be the new normal eh…

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As long as they use the correct terminology I’m cool with anything, ‘down doggie’ gets my blood boiling :laughing: :man_shrugging: Namaste mf’ers!

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Nor do I (into my 4th year), but I seem to have become a chocoholic over lockdown!! :rofl:

And talking of not drinking, I got this through the post this morning. Developed by Prof David Nutt (former Govt drug tsar - the one who got sacked after saying E and LSD were less harmful than alcohol. I’ve always thought of him as the UK’s version of Alexander Shulgin). Anyway, he’s developed this drink that is meant to mimic the good bits of getting tipsy (more relaxed, convivial, etc) without the hangover, aggression and all the other downsides. I shall report back once it has been sampled :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is this alcohol free. (Sorry I could have googled this).

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Get some 90% dark chocolate and you will be cured

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Yes, all plant based, but is meant to target the GABA receptors in the brain.

Haha, I’m literally taking it one day at a time.

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I’ve been eating more chocolate than I ever have either, in particular Lindt’s ‘A Touch Of Sea Salt’ dark chocolate. It’s ridiculously good, have even made a few deserts with it as well.

link? :grimacing:

Are you hammered yet?

You have been warned! NSFW

:joy: err, thanks

is there such a thing as NSFWFH?


No, am saving it for later :laughing:

By all accounts, you kind if plateau after a couple of drinks, so there’s no point of continously doing it all night. A bit like chisel…


What could possibly go wrong?

Not safe for ever

It’s like smart bars never went away… :wink:


Interesting thread about Sentia on r/drugnerds


I swear, never in my life have I considered adopting a dog as much as I am now. The very last shred of logic in me is keeping me from doing so, as I am both strapped for cash, and doubtful that a dog would be able to live comfortably in my 70m2 apartment the way things are right now. But I’ll be damned if it doesn’t sound like a good idea to be able to get away from this “languishing” bullshit…

He looks like a great guy!

(PS I just realized that’s Adriene’s dog, ha)

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I gained 5kg last year which I haven’t been able to lose, and chocolate has been a bit of the culprit. Been telling myself it’s OK to stress eat for a while, given all circumstances, but this year I stopped (well, trying to) because there’s still a long way to go here in Brazil…