Clobber - a clothes thread

Some decent bits in there.


Managed to snap a few bits up from the Folk archive sale, it was all selling rapidly, really decent discounts, meant to be restocking each day.


Also jumped on the folk sale as soon as I got the email today, some great stuff at massive discounts


Me too. Absolute bargs on shirts and shorts.

4 Likes to be honest I’m allergic to wearing anything with words or pictures on, but anyway, timely


Logo is a bit off though :thinking:

Thought I’d move the “Chipie” chat from the “listening” page to here where it seems more appropriate. Thanks @Nearestfaraway, your excellent Paninari article correctly makes the link to the English casual culture. That look in UK was heavily Paninari as it says but also came from casual culture and was more weighted to Chipie I feel.

@reubenturner is this the Chipie shop that was in Strasbourg? I got most bits from a shop on Old Compton St when record shopping but whose name escapes me now, inc pair of massive Chipie jeans too shown below! And Fiorucci had a shop on Kings Rd – mad place – as did Classic Noveaux!



This carried over into early yrs of acid house too where it diversified from Paninari, not smiley t shirts, bandanas, dungarees or Kickers e.g., pic of Clive outside Spectrum in 88 or another Guv pic from that yr wearing Fiorucci in Ibiza.



@howler yes, Chevingnon too! It is an underrepresented period in UK fashion that’s worthy of a book or longer blog piece IMO. 80s Casuals published a “casual” book by two Scouse lads who have hoards of 80s sportswear, so they might show interest?? But the types who were wearing Chipie etc. moved on and probably got rid of it like us. I only have two jumpers left somewhere in loft and a few grainy pics.

Last is one of those pics of me ready to go out in the autumn/winter 88 by the look of my hair and the Chipie duffle coat and jeans!!

I might start a thread “What we wore…”. For now tho, anyone any memories of that period inc any pics of themself, pals, places, or adverts, and yes inc any dodgy ones?!!!


Joe Bloggs

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Do the thread! Great post.


Can we have a poncho thread too?

Here’s Jon Marsh to get us started…


My mum was big into Fiorucci occasionally I used to borrow her Mickey mouse jumper

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Nice, they had a deal with Disney from the early Eighties apparently (see link). Remember seeing others in mid-Eighties wearing jeans with cartoons on that in retrospect were copies of Fiorucci. Interesting story of the brand here (e.g., NY scene in early Eighties): Fiorucci (1970)

Been thinking about this issue for a while. Socks or no socks/ invisible socks in summer:

Basically the article says no socks/ trainer socks= unfashionable millenial, while ankle socks = trendy gen Z

It also says that millenials who try to look hip by wearing socks look stupid.

Now, putting all millenial discourse to one side, I am firmly Gen X and I am naturally inclined to go no socks or trainer socks, it keeps your feet fresh and is far more balearic. No one wants to look uptight in summer by wearing ankle socks.

Any thoughts?


Socks, not too long but pushed right down to the top of my trainers.

Gave up on trainer socks as I seem to wear them once and then sacrifice them to whatever lives in the back of our washing machine


Me also this… The smell after a few wears without socks…

I favour a pair of Burlington’s
Burlington - Preston Men Socks - Socks 1

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Nice to see Gen Z putting their flag in the sand for a change and taking the piss out of older generations, rather than embodying and citing individualism again. Let them have their socks :rofl:


Never no socks in trainers as for those ankle socks no way, if I’m wearing shorts it’s flip flops never trainers…

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YMC sale is now on folks…