It comes from his love of Dub reggae. I’ve seen him talk about playing dub records back at Ramplings after Shoom 87/88 so he must have had a collection proir to that time
I think the quote from Jenny Rampling at one of the Shoom after parties where Andrew was playing those tunes was that it sounded like a bunch of pots and pans being clanged together. So, as Simon said, you can kind of imagine that 99 records vibe - then Hugo Nicholson later throwing delay over it in the studio and you arrive at that sound. But who knows. It’s my speculation as a punter rather than any fact-based insider insight.
Saw Weatherall DJ at Volts in Exeter a few times in the early nineties, and think I have a memory of him playing Wilmot as the last tune after the lights came on. But I’m also not 100% I haven’t made that last part up!