Where are the good music review sites/blogs/online mags these days?

Cheers. That’s the one. What happened to the guy (Chris?). Think he also used to do design for some of the Lumberjacks In Hell stuff. Exactly the kind of person you might find here on the TP Forum.

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I was curious, if you pay for it on Patreon, does BB share downloads or is it just youtube videos & comments?

An old one I like is Beat Electric. I still go back to the old posts on that one and get some nice tracks out of it, too.

There was another good one, a bit of a tease, called Overfitting Disco. Some dudes from Scandinavia ran it…


All WAV downloads. Mainly rips from his (now sold) vinyl collection. As ever with Bill there’s genius cover versions and a whole range of obscurities across house/disco/funk/Balearic/pop/post-punk/library……you name it.

I’m not on commission btw!


I saw he posted one particular track I was after… might be worth the price…

Which one?

http://infinitestatemachine.com/ is still going.

But, yeah, so many good blogs on the early 00’s.


Barbara Marchand - I Whisper Role Over (sic)

Fantastic euro synth poppy disco thing from italy sung in english with a german accent. Just wonderful.

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Boxes of toys is still going (I think)

So here’s the Bill spiel on it:

“Barbara Marshall was a radio presenter and singer based in Monaco but usually broadcasting in Italian. In Italy, she’s better known as a radio presenter but she did make a few interesting records. This tune sounds a little bit like a cross between Steely Dan and Amanda Lear and has massive Balearic appeal. Interestingly, Barbara disowned this record on Discogs claiming it was not her that made it. So I have no idea whether Barbara is actually the artist on this record or not. Nonetheless, it’s a brilliant tune.”

You get the tune to download plus all the info/background/gossip. He’s a true font of musical knowledge. Definitely worth the $$.

How much does he charge?

As ever with Patreon it’s tiered… Bill is a don.


I’ve got this record. Happy to rip it for you.

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There used to be a time when you could type ‘Bars in Bilbao’ and you could follow links to 30 food bloggers ideas about the best. Since the internet was monetised beyond recognition all you see now is paid links to Trivago, Trip Adviser and their ilk. Makes it’s super hard for a Blog to get any followers, similarly for Insta etc. Guess we wanted the internet for free and that’s what you get.


loved that one, the Chris Keys mix I listened to religiously for years

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got tons of great tracks from that back in the day, really well curated

just put out some interesting electronica every few months, always worth a look

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20JFG was brilliant. There was also a really good blog for really leftfield/oddball synth pop/wave stuff. Can’t for the life of me remember what it was called.

Always writes a nice weekly article and is always well balanced in his views.

Here’s a few of my faves:



Obviously don’t forget https://theslowmusicmovement.org (more music tips than a proper writer’s blog, but the music is great :slightly_smiling_face:)