What you reading

I know this is mostly a big Mcintosh commercial but there is/was an attempt to update that design using contemporary technology (with the name-brand backing of James Murphy, John Klett, and David and Stephen Dewaele of Soulwax) called DESPACIO.


Commerce vs Art…hopefully they’ll make a success of it, but a lot of competition now in the city for big events spaces…


About how A-ha are responsible for Norway’s electric car industry

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“Italian piano canterer. Break open only in emergency.”

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How is that Plunder book?

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It’s succinct and it will make your blood boil.

Right on, thanks for the recommendation!

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Doesn’t bode well, as he says things can change suddenly despite the intentions of those involved.

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Figured this was the most appropriate thread to share this in - I designed the forthcoming Richard Norris memoir “Strange Things Are Happening”. Only available on preorder at the moment. I’m stoked with how the design turned out!


Looks superb sir.


It’s a tough one. Raising funds to run independent radio is very hard. Must be difficult to turn down if UMG suddenly dangle £5m in front of you. That money can secure people’s jobs and provide the platform for the next generation of DJs, producers etc as well as ensure that the listeners get to keep hearing great music. If UMG do stay in the background then happy days. But….as others have commented it feels distinctly unlikely they will do so for ever.

Also given that the founder’s share holding has been so significantly reduced you do have to question if there’s an element of ‘cashing in’. How much has he made from this deal personally? Again, hard to turn down. But this type of event typically changes the nature of a business.

Tbh usually the story of ‘founder creates great business and sells a multi million pound stake’ is celebrated. When it’s independent music and majors involved though it seems to hit a nerve. Perhaps if everyone moaning about it now had coughed up a small monthly subscription then there would have been no need to take the UMG money.


That was the name of a sometime soft cover book/magazine published by Bam Caruso records way back when. Thanks for bringing the memories back!

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Good spotting! Richard was an integral part of the small team that produced the Bam Caruso compilations and magazine.

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The cardies are a bit lairy…


I have to say, I like the cardies. But they’re somewhat out of my price range.


no takers for the gimp mask?


Anyone else remember his Evil Knieval outfit? A sight for sau-cer eyes

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