What you reading

I’ve still got an aerial t shirt somewhere :rofl:

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I hate the Grammys, good to see Kendrick win though…Drake ooooffff!


Four guys, two haircuts


Gioia has written loads about the heritage industry (or what I call bedblocker) stranglehold on culture and he’s right that it is problematic (much as I love the Beatles, Fleetwood Mac et al). Of course, young indies can and do opt out of these legacy narratives and create parallel urban universes but you can’t opt out when your income is directly or indirectly affected whether via vinyl bottlenecks, festival conservatism, touring bureaucracy or Spotify greed. It’s depressing too that dance culture is no different to rock, in the way they similarly now shove lucrative reunions, orchestras and anniversaries at us in much the same way (see that Energy 52 post on here yesterday) or STILL inviting Carl Cox back to Ibiza. In 2025. Just seems to me that music is now a hobby or cottage industry at best. What happens when the monster finally eats its tail is anyone’s guess though…


It’s telling how few artists can now make a living out of the music industry. Even ones with millions of streams seem to rely on touring (which also has its costs) to make a few quid. Meanwhile the streaming sites make billions. Crazy.


It all seems a bit more carefree than today. I think the 90s were this carefree decade, after the fall of the Berlin Wall but pre 9/11. There was this amazing decade where we were just interested in having a good time. Because we thought it was all over and everything would be fine!


At a rough guess I reckon around 70% of events in most towns across the UK are cover bands/throwback nights.

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As night follows day.


theres a couple of people I know in the Brixton pix

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Agreed. The Jon Carter Live at the Social volume 2 mix is an all-time favourite. I hadn’t really heard other similar DJs playing as much dancehall as Jon did.

One of those mixes where I tracked down all the best records on it.

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Been after that Kenny Dope Mad Racket track for years!

New thread title ?


Hi, From your description, this might have been the Doors’ remix from that era.


Bloody hell, that’s a blast from the past. First record I bought after I moved up to Edinburgh in the autumn of 95. Not sure it’s aged that well……


Here’s something I wrote about big room clubbing in London in the 2000s when US house briefly ruled my world


This is excellent - thank you. I read the piece on TP as well - great stuff.


4.Clubbers.net! Ha, we must have crossed paths on there. I knew the people involved with that pretty well, and went out with a girl who was pretty closely connected to them for a few years.

Great piece though, brings back a lot of memories of that period. I remember the Faith lot went on about ‘Lets Be Young’ and ‘Bar A Thyme’ for years. I spent quite a bit of time dipping into London around 2005/6. Some mates used to do the Deep, Down & Dirty parties at The Key, and there would be many, many lost weekends following crazy afters at places like Bridge and Tunnel, The Egg, T Bar and various dives around Hoxton. Anyone remember Zigfrids and Jaguar Shoes!? We once ended up at some do in the basement of what was basically a hollowed out terraced house somewhere in Tottenham I think. I remember Mungolian Jet Set were playing on a really dicey table with way too many drinks on it. I was spangled and got talking to Dan Peppe who’d been in the tabloids recently after having an affair with Zoe Ball