That was just beautiful
Love the new bar there too
Pic: a little bit of Eddie Chacon on someone else’s phone
That was just beautiful
Love the new bar there too
Always something special…
I think I must have been standing just behind you. It was an incredible gig, love the vibe there. He was amazing, and the band were so tight. They were chilling in the bar afterwards with Eddie.
Back in a couple of weeks for Marcia Carr.
Did you catch Scrimshire as well? Lovely
Pretty solid Tuesday night
No I came in just as Eddie was starting…was running a little late as we met for a quick beer beforehand.
Has this been mentioned on here ? Just saw the TP email.
Should be a big forum turnout I would imagine?
would be rude not to…?
The guy taking the photo - or someone nearby - was doing the most horrendous farts. So if you saw someone waving their hands around and grimacing, that was me.
It was very sensorily dissonant.
Sorry about that, think it was that cabbage and baked beans taco I’d had earlier
Up for that!
I’m going
Just bought tickets too!
Simple Symmetry we’re brilliant last night. I don’t think that they play very often in the UK, but if you get the chance I’d highly recommend getting along to see them. Seemed like really decent folk too - happy to chat and have fun with everyone. The venue that they played is a metal-hulled boat (the iBoat), so the high frequencies really ping around the room. A sparkly soirée!
We Are The Sunset NYD All-Dayer.
Grab your free tickets here before they start charging
Seeing Goat tonight. Always a great night.
Saw them last night in Oxford. Best I’ve ever seen them. Pure heavy tranced out.
Dancing shoes on second night in a row
Down to the Sea & Back down the arse end of Madeira drive tonight