What don't you get

I have a playlist on my spotify called “Formulaic Balearic”


I dislike everything about this clip….but the pink hand chair in the background and that awful robe seal it. Also, why do we need to see someone eating a cookie (badly)? Even his finger wags seem out of time. Maybe I’m too old to get it?

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In the accountancy game, it’s known as "doing a Zahawi. "


anyone got the new Parkway WPKY JAMS? what does it sound like? Why 4 tunes per side?
*I will probably buy anyway :confused:

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I pre-ordered in a fit of FOMO

& its not ready to collect yet

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Link? I’d probably love it.

rhyming slang.

i know a lot of you guys have generations of experience with it, but to my american ears, it sounds like the dumbest thing going. there’s absolutely no sense to be made of it? and the only thing clever about it is that it rhymes?


I’ve always kind of dug it as you generally only use the first word of the rhyme, it’s like a kind of derivative put into code that you have to work back from if you don’t know it…

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i don’t know - it’s just such an unnecessary chore. i look up some of the more popular examples on site and it’s a form of agony. the rhymes are so far-fetched that all humor has been washed out of them.

(guy walks in with a chunk of cheese on his face) “hey man you got something stuck to your face” “oh no, something’s on me boat”

because somehow “face” rhymes with “boat race”? what the fuck, i can think of a ton of different types of races, boats being pretty far down the list.

anyhoo, i hear it and my first thought is “oh no, that guy is having a stroke”


Get back to us when you can spell English language words correctly!

(Just kidding)


They were originally devised by Cockneys so they could have conversations without PC Plod knowing what they were talking about, weren’t they.

There are quite a few good ones - can you work these out? (not for the Brits)

Haven’t a Scooby

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Important context for anyone who’s just heard the slang. Always a fan of apples and pears.

Love it.


What about “aris” ?

That’s like three layers of derivative to say something with the same number of letters as the actual word it refers to.

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Ha! Was going to say the same.

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Bit like bag, one of my favourites.
Old mate/neighbour who had lived in same area for 80 years used lots of it, certainly not an affectation.

Edit: not that you said it was obvs :grin:


Have you heard about Polari?




Depeche Mode.

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