What don't you get

Haha they owe me!!

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The other one in the cap always seems to have the cushiest job in live music

Just ask Discogs to review, whenever this has happened to me and they see that you have done all you can as a seller they have removed the bad feedback


i did one better, i shamed/guilted the guy into changing his negative feedback into positive feedback.

i wasn’t in the wrong, so doing it was right - but good to know that i can still flex my manipulative side now and again.


Even better!

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I used tax scouts for my return last year and will use them again this year, takes most of the pain out of it.

Yes, some of their early tunes were like perfectly honed little windows into the narrative. ie, they had good lyrics.

Classical Gabber still not here yet but in the meantime…


Discogs scam artists with a 42% buyer rating trying their level best in the most clumsy of ways to pull one over.

You can change settings so buyers with less than a certain % good feedback cant order from you.
Think i had mine at 90% which seemed fair.

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The Eurovision song contest. Sorry…


Yup, it’s truly baffling


I have a friend who is balls deep in it, buying a box and everything at the last one. I try to be supportive but…


I know what you mean. However, I watched it last year and really enjoyed it in the same way you kind of enjoy driving past a car accident :joy:

Plus you know, some of the Eastern European and Spanish/French/Italian gals are :boom:


It’s a bit of harmless fun.
My youngest sister went last year and had a great time. So much so she’s gone again and taken her first ever flight so I’m very pleased for her tbh


So Russell Brand, Bear Grylls and the guy who wants to buy the Telegraph all go to the same church in Knightbridge…


The latest fashion for your right wing grifter - find God.


‘Thames Water is no longer responsible for the biggest piece of shit in the river.’

Love that.

Shame Brand’s intelligence doesn’t extend to an awareness of just how flimsy and transparent his ‘transformations’ appear after those allegations came to light.


LCD Soundsystem. A good friend of mine has seen them twice this week (they are in the middle of a 4-day engagement here in Seattle). I love James Murphy–seems like a top bloke, DFA Records, the Fabric mix, the 4 Horsemen in Brooklyn (incredible restaurant/wine bar), but just can’t get into LCD outside of “Losing My Edge.” De gustibus etc etc… :person_shrugging:

It’s all about the first two albums really. Some good moments on the last one but the comeback fiasco really stank whichever way you cut it after making such a fuss over the break up. Huge respect for James Murphy still though, he knows his onions. Despacio at Sonar remains one of the best things Ive ever been too.