What are you watching?

Same. See something new every time you watch it. The latest episode is pretty special.

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Just finishing Season 1. Been very good so far!

Homicide: Life On the Street remastered in UHD on Sky!

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Never watched Homicide, is it any good? Don’t have sky so would have to buy/rent somewhere.

Massive Wire fan and have just finished season 1 again, about to wade in one season 2.


Rewatching The Deuce just finished season 2… Mrs only watched some of season 1 and would have been very stoned watching it so she is really enjoying it…

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I’m just starting Homicide myself! I’ll come back after a few eps and let you know

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Seeing it in a theatre on Wednesday, can’t wait!

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The gf and I watched Blink Twice yesterday. I thought I knew what’s up when I saw the trailer, but it had some great twists and turns, not to mention star-studded cast.

Definitely a good one for a Friday night in!

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Extended version of DIG! in cinemas late March. And Live at Pompeii 4K restoration in April!

Might have to dust off the blotter I’ve got kicking about :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:


Camden on national geographic channel , really good watch…

Hope that means it’s on Now TV. Watched a lot of Homicide a loooong time ago and remember it being as good, if not better, than The Wire. Would love to rewatch it.

Zero Day was a bit meh.

Decent premise and it seemed to set up a lot of intrigue and plot threads that never really went anywhere. There was no real pay off or twist. Great cast and Robert De Niro is solid and it looks expensive but ultimately the whole thing was a bit hollow

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Quite pleased to see Anora do well at the Oscar’s. Literally just watched it last night, really good film.


Yeah it was my fave film of last year along with a real pain.

Kinda glad the Brutalist didn’t get best picture. It seemed like it was gearing up to be one of those films that critics love to love because it ticks all the “important cinema” boxes, but leaves most actual viewers feeling cold.

Just finished season one of Severance. Haven’t had a sick in the guts excitement and dread from a show in forever. Starting Season 2 tomorrow. No spoilers please!


Just watched the latest one last night and still trying to piece it together. There’s definitely not a linear narrative! It’s amazingly constructed though. Just hope the pieces do tie together eventually…


The last episode was my least favourite so far. A total snooze fest if I’m honest…

That was my impression when watching last night, and it certainly bored family members who were chirping throughout! But today I’ve found myself thinking about quite a bit and seeing it more positively. Might watch again without the family distractions!

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I watched it again and there are loads of subtle hints thrown in as to what the bloody hell is going on that I didn’t spot first time round. A bit of a slow episode but it was beautifully put together.

Yes I suspected that. Will rewatch!

This was a great recommendation thanks! Totally surreal

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