The Ibiza Thread

Guys. Im from Turkey originally, and couldn’t go to Ibiza until 2018, it happened after I moved to London. First I watched Ibiza from Ministry of Sound 2003 Annual DVD. Before that it was like a myth, I was hearing Ibiza from the cds, many songs with Ibiza mix. It was like something unreal. I tried to play Ibiza music for years in my country. I think I went there too late, now its very commercial. But nature, food, very similar to my country. Its like same. Village bread, olives, olive oil. We had lots of clubs like Es Paradis, and Cafe Del Mar. (Luis Güell similar architecture). Paco De Lucia and all spanish hits of Cafe Del Mar was our official tv channel’s generic music. All tourism advertisement videos were with spanish music. My childhood was in big clubs around my hometown. My father took us there every summer. Turkey is not like somewhere like everyone think these days. My wife was in shock when she first saw our beach full of girls with bikini. She thought we are Iran. :smiley: Anyway Ibiza was always in my mind and after I went there twice I cant adapt myself to London or somewhere anymore. I keep watching Dwayne Muffin and anything about Ibiza everyday nearly. Everyone can find affordable Ibiza holiday, you dont need to go to expensive restaurants. I couldnt eat there much because it was too hot in August. Some places are cheaper than London. 1 big pizza was 5 euro and a glass of vine was 2euro. I cant understand how people can eat huge Paella and Sangria at 2pm afternoon under the sun. Its very hard for digestion. I was having 4 showers everyday. Ibiza is amazing place. But its very addictive and stressful because I keep thinking of different scenarios to move there. I dont want to go any club anywhere else. Nowhere satisfies me anymore. London has nearly 5-6 top clubs but Im not interested anymore. Ministry Of Sound was like a mecca for me before, now just an ordinary club.


I didn’t go to Ibiza during my peak clubbing years. Have been a good few times in recent years and absolutely love it for the general vibe of the island: the people, the food, the beaches, the sea, the weather, that hippy/laid back spirit that is there in the background still.

It’s just a really lovely place with a lot of history. Sure there’s some really expensive restaurants, clubs etc but equally the supermarkets are great quality and cheaper than here (the U.K.) and there are lots of places to eat and drink that are very reasonable. Like London there’s always a number to call if you want to get on it but that’s the same everywhere, isn’t it? Quality in Ibiza is always good though!

There’s no way I’d bother with any of the big clubs. Went to DC10 a couple of years ago for some reason and it was awful. Everything that most people on this forum would hate: the crowd, the music, the cost of drinks, the lack of atmosphere. It was really bad.

If you go there looking for something similar to the 1980s history we all obsess over then you’ll be sorely disappointed. As others have mentioned on here the Croatia parties in recent years have generally been much more ‘balearic’ and disco in terms of music and vibe than my limited experience of Ibiza in recent years.

But that’s the same anywhere isn’t it? The key scenes are always products of their time wherever or whenever they happen. If you’re lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time then great. And if you were too young/old/poor/not aware at the time then there’s no problem in still loving the scene a bit later on. Just accept it’s history and no longer reality.

I’ve got a trip to Ibiza booked late August. Hoping we will be able to go and it’s looking good so far. Can’t ******* wait after the last year we’ve all had!

I’ll be asking the Ibiza crew on here to recommend some proper underground nights out too!


They say all DC 10’s sound is rubbish. Is it true? And Ibiza has a vibe like if 4-5000 Chinese people would come to the island, all the clubs will make Chinese night playing all their folk songs the other day for money :smiley:

I’m not the best person to ask really. All I can say is when I went to DC10 the music was just unimaginative minimal house drivel. The best sound system in the world wouldn’t have improved it. Chinese folk songs would’ve been an improvement.


I’m sure I’ll make it to Beefa in the next few years, my missus went there from being a child and always talks about the island with passion. I’ve friends I grew up with who appear to be living the good life out there, but it looks a bit slick and sanitised. I’d be more interested if there were any smaller venues, beach bars even, that were doing anything original. I have no desire to go to any big clubs, maybe a stay at Pikes, but someone’s gotta be keeping that Test Pressing style Balearic beat going? Surely?


My gf is Turkish and I was there 3/4 times a year before covid. Stunning country. We did a road trip down the west coast in 2019. Amazing food, weed, Raki and the best sunsets you could wish for.
Datça Is one of my favourite places.

I’ve also never been to Ibiza :smirk:

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My aunt has a summer house in Datca. Marmaris and Fethiye are also amazing.

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Pikes not gonna be very affordable :smiley:

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Agree. Although I found Marmaris too full of drunk fellow Scots, haha.

Lets dont talk about it. I played there a season. I was fired from a club in bar street because I didnt play dutch jump style music and put big amount of people inside playing house. Later I learned midget club owner was fancying young dutch girlsl. He didnt want crowd or money.


I would not even consider going there anytime soon… From reading the crap on other forums people thinking we’ll get this vaxs or this mask and straight to travel agents book hotel and tickets for party’s to dance in a bubble with people with the same Vax port as you at parties that won’t happen is just crazy… I know ibiza needs tourists but all the false hope will put people off for ever… Albania and Turkey are the party spots this year…

I cant understand clubs opening date UK neither. I cant believe that people directly will go to clubs after all these. Hopefully it doesnt get worse. I feel scared of going to clubs. By the way if anybody wants to know about non tourist parts of Turkey, I can give some spoiler.

Already the brands that were popular in ibiza the last few years. The real fancy pants organic House up in the clouds crap that people who missed the golden years of the late 80s and 90 follow around the world now are already looking east for their melodic fix of forgettable flakey house. This can be a good thing for ibiza but I can’t see anything happening for a few years yet…



agree about formentera…i hired a bike there 2 years ago…swam in the crystal clear water…just lovely.


It does sound like Croatia is probably a better destination - would love to see the return of Electric Elephant


It can be as expensive and as inexpensive as you want… I Always go for the inexpensive and have a great time…

as my grandpa would say €10 for a water, sure you can get two pills for that…


anyone got the playboy guide to ibiza in pdf ?


+1 for the north of the island–we splurged on a few nights at Los Enamorados, it was really something. Trendy, but very well executed. Lovely people, too. Portinatx in general was cool to explore. Agreed on Formentera as well–cannot wait to get back.


Never been, we were always in the Far East, but that place looks great, we celebrated our 30th during lockdown #1 so missed out on anything special, might give that a go when we can. Thanks for the heads up.

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