Seriously fuck vinyl!

I do this on Juno. My theory is that if I have 4 or 5 things I’ll pull the trigger without thought but if I have - checks his current cart - 239 items it’s much harder to do so. The postage alone is enough to make you consider not doing it.

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And the reverse for people in America.

Side note: if anyone needs something from the states I can bring it over in March but the logistics once in London could be a challenge.

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Yeah, interesting point. I’m not sure how some EU Bandcamp labels are shipping to US. Bandcamp used to offer a pressing service which may have included distribution but the service has since been rolled up so not sure how records are getting shipped from US locations if artists are EU based

Last time I did a vinyl run I handled distro myself and made some US store connections and shipped them out in bulk, it was a hassle but worth it to reach US buyers. That was in 2019 though and the game has changed massively since then


Especially in the US. Every time I see one in a store I generally go, “how fucking much?!”. But that happens with a lot of records these days.

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Yeh it’s annoying.

Especially with the tax added by discogs to all international orders now. Do they really pass all of that on? I guess they must but I have bought records from shops in Japan and Europe that also sell on discogs and they don’t add the tax when you buy direct.


I recently bought 2 copies of this from a European shop to make the postage worthwhile. If anyone wants a copy let me know and you can have it for cheap. Never seems to be any in the UK ( i have the only one on discogs just now)
Drums Music Show, Olga Melchionda, Patricia & Top Secret – Sexy Banana – Vinyl (12", 45 RPM, Limited Edition), 2018 [r12519615] | Discogs

I’m not sure if I’ve ever shared this on here before, it may or may not be helpful.
Whenever I add a record to my Juno cart I change the amount to 91. (Why? Because it’s two less clicks than 99 but that’s a seperate issue :joy:).
The cart will then update with how many of the particular record they have in stock. If it stays at 91 I know they have loads if it amends the amount down to 10 or less I know I’ve got to make a decision fairly soon. You can then add a frisson of excitement by playing chicken as you watch the number go down. I’ll pull the trigger when there’s only one copy left.
I’ve been doing this for ten years or so. I see lately that they sometimes have the amount of stock under the price and also a ‘low stock’ warning. It’s funny to see how occasionally a record will have a low stock warning when there’s over a hundred copies there. I wonder if it’s a marketing ploy?
Anyway I’ve shared a piece of my methodology and it sounds as crazy written down as I suspected it might.
I have to say that these days I’m buying few records compared to recent years and I’m generally just watching stuff I’m interested in go out of stock,
What I have found is that nearly everything gets a repress much sooner than even in the recent past.

To continue, it’s interesting to see the speed at which some releases sell, E2-E4 flew as i’m sure is no surprise.

I check Juno new releases in all genres every single day, same with VU.
It’s a wonderful hobby whether it’s collecting or buying to play in or out.
But yes, the prices are getting silly now.
New Isle of Jura dubs £21:50. Still…:joy:


So all this talk has set my vinyl-digital pendulum heading back towards the WAVs. And then I stumbled on this, just now:

Darling Jan…

It starts off a bit purple and then gets quite sweet and then ends with another purplish postscript.

The Klemmer album is called Touch. Seems apt.

Can’t do that with a WAV, can you?


Makes total sense as this was one of THE makeout albums of the 70s, my parents had this :blush:


Wasn’t sure if this was serious, but looking at some of the track titles it adds up: Touch, Free Fall Lover, Sleeping Eyes, Body Pulse, Walk with me my love and dream… steamy!

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This suggests a very different “fuck vinyl” thread




Weirdly not having all my records in one room, as I’ve moved house and they’re now over 3 floors, has made me disassociate from having them any more. Think I just want to keep long players.

As for buying, I was still spending 300 a month easily (on old and new) about 3 years back, now its around £30 every few months - even then it’s when I can’t get digi and I rip the record, then file.

Klarna on Juno has taken the pain away slightly on their over zealous pricing.


This is definitely best thread for this

Cold Cuts Hot Wax have a good winter sale on right now, some nice bits at some nice prices -

Edit: just seen half of it has sold out!

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This is genius.

Simon - Another tip if you want more excitement


I think I paid about £40 for it a few years ago, bought it because it’s one of my favourite albums sand I like to sit and actually listen to it which I never do with streaming. Basically the main reason why I buy most stuff on vinyl…

Someone who knows more than me might correct this but I believe it was one of the first albums to be digitally mastered (or something like that, in not technically minded) so from an audio perspective it’s kind of pointless to own the vinyl

You were probably conceived whilst they listened to it
Just thought you might wanna know


Why is Gorrillaz vinyl always so expensive? £37 & £42 for the first 2 albums.

Am I misremembering but when I was a lad weren’t most albums priced fairly consistently.

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