Seriously fuck vinyl!

You can’t be monkeying around when collecting their vinyl as people go ape for their releases!


Something like Gorillaz wouldnt have been pressed in large amounts when it first came out. Same with 90s pop/indie/rock stuff like Radiohead which is why its goes for more these days.
That said, some new standard represses are in that £30-40 bracket these days so its not massively above market average.

i was shocked to see how much this one was going for:

i suppose “going for” is relevant to demand - there’s 12 for sale in the US alone. doesn’t appear that “rare”, just “inflated”.


Bladud Flies!, mentioned in the article, are my good friends. They went to Germany 10–15 years ago to get hold of one of these machine, and then worked incredibly hard to build themselves a solid business out if it.


This has intrigued me as the prices for lathertothegrave are very cheap… do you think if i provided decent enough quality copies of 4 tracks that have never been on vinyl they would cut it onto one 12"? game changer!!

It’s down to the mastering, and to the skill of the cutting engineer, but yes, the quality can absolutely be there, no different to pressed vinyl. The 3 LPs I put out with Mono Disco were all lathe cut and mastered at Bladud Flies!

The main issue, is there’s little to no economies of scale, as the cutting is done in real time. 100 records takes the cutter 100 times longer than 1 record, and pricing is going to reflect that. But for one-offs to small runs, I would recommend.

I do feel like this is an under-explored area for vinyl DJs,. They’re like acetates that don’t wear out. So potentially great for trying out unreleased tracks, edits, etc.

what i’m saying is 4 tracks of other peoples music that hasn’t been released on vinyl - only on cd for example. There’s an Il Fraganti track i’d like to play out, if i send them the cd/link would they cut it no questions asked?

i’d buy the track inthe available format first then just create my own vinyl cut to use out

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Yep, I’m sure that’s possible

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I did this a couple of years ago with a Rheinzand track (don’t tell @brunoots :person_facepalming:) on one side and the Willing and able edit on the other.
I had two copies done, one for @Jez who loved the Scorpio remix of L’amore and a copy for myself.
I think they were like £20 each.
AFAICR (as far as I can recall) the quality wasn’t that great, certainly the willing and able I always felt was poor source material and the other one was maybe ok.
On a decent sound system I’d say not playable. As a nice novelty gift for a mate, Perfect!


Good to know thanks. I had always wondered what the quality was like

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Some will some won’t- if it’s not your original material.

I’ve used these guys before with no issues- pressing may be not as loud as a manufactured record, but as long as you provide at least 16 bit wav files you should be good:

Also-worth mentioning that if you have already purchased the music digitally you are allowed to transfer it to another medium- there was a change in the law a couple of years back allowing for this.


ha ha, cheers!
would’ve been nice though to have seen a few of our remixes released on vinyl on MFD


I know Jez looked everywhere for that particular mix on vinyl but did buy the digital, so it was nice to surprise him with the record.
I’ve got both the remix 12” available and used the Richard Sen mix of Strangeworld to good effect in a mix I did a few years ago. I really like the Blitzega mix of Mi Mundi as well. I like his stuff too which seems to fly under the radar. :+1:


I emailed Lathe To The Grave yesterday to ask if they’d be ok with doing this, will let you know what they say.

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For a few years now, I have come to the conclusion that i enjoyed the process of looking through record shops fairs and buying stuff more than the process of actually playing them.
I have around 2000 albums, and a lot of them rarely get played. I don’t need to buy more music, just enjoy the records I already have.

To this end, when selecting what to play in the evening, I now use a random number generator on my phone to decide what to get off the shelves. Compartments labelled with letters A-H, vinyl within these usually numbered 1-50. It has led me to rediscover a lot of stuff. If a selection comes up that i really don’t fancy, i strongly consider selling/donating it.


Not sure where to put this but shows why vinyl is needed

Sounds a bit like Radio Babylon when he has the reverse one in the mix

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Absolute quality gift @LazySimon certainly is heavy weight vinyl, must give it a spin again soon

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just discovering Richard Sen after someone posted one of his mixes on here, he did come to Brighton a few weeks back for a day party with Logan Fisher but I completely missed it :roll_eyes: