What the title says, even if the Lee Scratch Perry cut doesn’t exactly set the mood. – has the offer to “pop a water” ever worked out for you?
Give us your original bedroom rockers.
The greatest slow jam of all time is “Adore”, come fight me.
What the title says, even if the Lee Scratch Perry cut doesn’t exactly set the mood. – has the offer to “pop a water” ever worked out for you?
Give us your original bedroom rockers.
The greatest slow jam of all time is “Adore”, come fight me.
Before I got engaged and I had someone over with that purpose in mind, it was always Norah Jones’ “Come Away with Me” that did it. Easy, I know, but getting nerdy about balearic sexy jams would probably hinder more than help.
as mentioned in another thread, vanessa daou’s entire “zipless” album fucks.
but here’s something weird. vanessa was then-married to peter dauo (who seemingly left the highbrow NYC house music scene to become a player in left-wing politics - an odd enough turn by itself.) peter produced “zipless”. his wife’s performance is mostly breathy recitement of erica jong’s poetry. erica jong is a pioneering second-wave feminist author who specialized in an honest, confessional form of erotica.
erica jong is also peter dauo’s aunt.
This was the 00s equivalent to John Klemmer’s “Touch” referenced on the other thread. Putting it on sent an immediate signal. Bebel Gilberto’s “Tanto Tempo” was another big one for us.
Aaaand now her daughter Molly Jong-Fast has become quite the lefty/anti T**** politico in her own right, a must-follow on Bluesky etc…
In the pre-app, internet dating times of the mid-00s I matched with a woman for whom the height of erotic bliss consisted of half a strong edible & Brian Eno’s “Music for Airports”. She was on to something…
You got to go bold…