RUNNING to the beat

Cheers I’m going to look into it

There is a version with Bluetooth , I bought my wife one & BT was rubbish
I use wired headphones

Might interest some here, New Yorker writer Hua Hsu talks about getting into runnning and why he doesn’t listen to music on his runs.


I hardly run as much as a few years ago ( medium length boring story) but when I did I often thought about no music / sound of nature / not getting run over

But someone on mixcloud recreating Sasha doing Whitney over Leftfield did make me go faster


Currently doing about 30kms a week, nearly all of it at easy heart rate, with maybe one run a week where I push it. Often to a podcast (if motivation is lacking and I just need some distraction to get out and get some kms done), but in my better moments I don’t listen to anything (be in nature and get some head space).

When I did run to music, this was my favourite track though, 120 BPM as written on the label :slight_smile:

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That’s funny. One of my go-to mixes for running used to be the J.Period March 9th mixtape.

It’s a brilliant mix. It uses loads of Biggie’s tracks, guest verses and freestyles over other productions. I absolutely hammered it when it came out and have listened to it far more than any of his albums.

It’s ’name your price’ on bandcamp.

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I like running to live sets recorded at parties. If they are good enough to dance all night to, it works for running!


I’ve got one of those recordings from last weekend. All 8 hours of it. Would be useful if I ever take up ultra-marathons.

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Or 8 training sessions…

I had a blast running to this BZ/Wax’o Paradiso recording a few days ago.

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You run for 3 hours? :open_mouth:

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Ahahaha, not quite yet. I only got about 45 mins into this one :slight_smile:

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Anyone tried this?

My brother just told me about it.
Will give it a go.