RUNNING to the beat

My favorite running mixes are the ones recorded live at peak time in parties. If people are dancing to that stuff, you can usually run to it too.

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Can be more mindful without, depending on where you’re running – music can be a distraction like you say


Definitely long and chuggy tracks for long and chuggy runs, more upbeat/energy for shorter/faster. But I’ve never beat counted.

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I have a guilty-not-guilty pleasure of late 90s happy hardcore. A few years back I did the Petts Wood 10k listening to the Hixxy disc of Bonkers 3


Cue the inevitable PB for the first 1 kilometre which I practically sprinted, followed by having to exhaustedly shuffle round the remaining 9 and one of my worst ever 10k times. Banging soundtrack though.


I did listen to this a few times but it sent me a bit weird, your mind goes places, right?


I love those claustrophobic and hypnotic tracks for when you’re deep into a run! Very transportative.

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I don’t listen to music when I am racing, or on shorter recovery runs - but for training runs, I hate the sound of my feet on the road - I’m not the most graceful of runners so the music drowns it out :slight_smile:


Yes, sometimes you need something to get lost in for a bit

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Yes indeed! Like this one:

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I would do myself some serious injury if I ran to that x


run with mp3 player with 100 songs, I tend to skip to the next song when i need an adrenalin shot


I have an old phone with loads of MP3s on & a Workout playlist that i put on, on shuffle, when i go for a run.
Just been looking thru it & there’s not a lot of Dance/House on there, more uptempo Rock, Indie, Punk, Motown, 70s Soul.
AC/DC is great to run to imo.
I get bored listening to the same continuous 4/4 whilst running but more eclectic DJ mixes are good.
Sometimes a song will come on that just feels perfect to run to that particular day & i’ll listen to it 5 or 6 times back to back & it makes the run that bit more easier.
That happened to me last week with ‘Another Part Of Me’ by Michael Jackson.

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I don’t run but go on long walks and hikes and use them to listen to new records, mixes or NTS shows. There are some great trails here in Wellington - with lots of hills. Can easily walk for up to two hours. Often eat an edible first and head out with the dog.


Happy to have picked up running again, this one did very well on my morning run:

Boymerang - Balance of The Force


Sadly lost my gym / run music player with loads of mixes

This was a favourite

I’ve been thinking lately I’d love a music player just for running, leave the phone at home.

Be like Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading


Sandisk clip sport
16gb + Takes a micro SD
Small & light, clips to waste band


On the too infrequent occasions I go for a run, Biggie Smalls/ gritty NY classic hip hop

Can’t explain why… maybe because the pace works with my ageing legs and his ‘tone’ is motivating

Only time I do listen to him really

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My dad bought me one of those when they came out, I sprayed it green for some reason. Totally tanky.

(He also bought me a Swatch which would be worth a few bob if I’d looked after it.)

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