RUNNING to the beat

What’s your recipe for a great running playlist?

I particularly like the story behind 45:33, where James Murphy created a custom track for running sponsored by Nike then admitted he actually hates running.


Can’t run no more, knees are fecked, been back on the exercise bike all lockdown, did a 30 min or so workout tape for the wife and I, 125bpm, quick mixes, nothing too cerebral, in fact a good sprinkling of fromage and vocals. I find exercising intensely boring so nothing too heavy.
Feel free to mock! :wink:


I don’t run just cycle No house, disco, techno or Balearic… Usually Fugazi, J mascis, Handy with shuvels ect that kinda loud… I think any kinda electronica music would remind you of a gym which are a pet hate

I love making mixes to run to. You can tailor them according to how long you’re running for and what pace you’re aiming to run at. I find kicking off around 112bpm and then upping to around a steady 120+ works well for me, If you want to go pacier then 130bpm max. I tend to steer clear of gabba, as I don’t want to hospitalise myself. Content varies according to mood as well.

A good mix definitely keeps you going and helps push through the inevitable pain/boredom threshold. A few random ones I’ve smashed together here:


I like a mixture of quite grinding techno or prog tracks with really emotional disco. I don’t know why this works for me but it does. I find with disco there are narrative elements that you can build in to the need to run, it’s like a musical story you tell yourself. For instance ‘Just as long as I’ve got you’ by Love Committee becomes a song about how you’ll always come back to running.

And there are a few tracks that just seem to match the cadence & mood of running perfectly, the breathing, the steps, the euphoria (if you’re lucky).
Isaac Hayes: Moonlight Lovin’
Kuniyuki: Shout
Paperclip People: Throw
Bulb: Light it up
and you really can’t go wrong with
Maurizio (especially M5)


Can you imagine having an accident while out running and the first responders going like " he’s about 50 and listening to rave music" …lol


Oh yeah. Last one for me was Leftfield remastered album.

I think I have a bit of asthma so running outside in the cold absolutely destroys me & gyms have been closed up here since December.

This one from Budino soundtracked a good 50+ runs last year though and I hope to get back to it as soon as I can:


That must be tough. The cold weather always used to make mine flare up but it seems to have disappeared since COVID. Love the tempo of that mix, just right.

It’s weird, I remember being really athletic as a small child then just being unable to run at all when I hit puberty. I just accepted that I was lazy and fat I think. Then after a few attempts over the years to get into running, it just clicked with me last year. I was running about 9k at a time in the gym, then tried to go for a lunchtime run outside in December and couldn’t even last 5 mins. But that mix is so dope to get you warmed up, it’s a hell of a selection too, she’s amazing!

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I recently messed up mmy back so have switched from running to walking, but I’m hoping to get back. This thread is a godsend, as I never know what to hear…

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Hi everyone,

I thought I would make my first contribution to this forum as it seems the most appropriate; I am a keen (almost-elite) runner who also loves music. During lockdown, I started making my own mixes to run to - I am by no means expert at this - but I tried to pick tracks that are best suited to what I like/what helps me pick up the pace - strangely enough, listen back to them when running also helps me to pinpoint tweaks I could have made to the mix itself to help make the next one better.

I have posted a few of them below if anyone needs some motivation next time they are out running - any feedback greatly appreciated:

Listen without Prejudice - Volume 3

Listen without Prejudice - Volume 4



Nice one, thanks. I’m in half-marathon training and lots of my mixes are go-to 45-min type length, so this is ideal. Are they available for download anywhere, I like to keep things on the hardware when out & about

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Possibly stupid question, but do you broadly aim to match BPM to steps per minute when running to music?

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I’ve never really thought of doing that, but definitely the 120-130 bpm stuff tends to work better for my quicker runs so perhaps there is some science behind it.

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I’m constantly devouring music while I’m at work, but since getting into running (again) around 18 months ago I’ve chosen to run without any audio accompaniment. My breathing is a bit all over the pace due to asthma and a general Northern nasalness, I find listening to music distracts me from regulating my breathing. I’ve had people say that podcasts are a good alternative, but for now I’ll stick without.

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Without wishing to hijack the the thread.

As a walker not a runner my favorite mix of last year or so or Alfos Zukunft Part 1 first 90 mins, bit that starts about 1hr 24 40 a is ace.

T coy Carino at start of walk is wonderful as well.


Been looking for some running music, just about wearing out the stuff I had been listening to for the past few months:

LCD Soundsystem - 45:33
Daft Punk - Alive 2007
Chet Faker - Whatever Tomorrow Soulwax remix
CZN - On An Asset Tip
Holy Tongue - Misinai
Leisure Connection - Jungle Dancing
Tamburi Neri - Indio

Will definitely give the Budino mix above a go

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That Leisure Connection record is :fire::fire::fire:


here’s a very rough-round-the-edges recent running mix I put together:

Faster bpms for faster runs - although I’m not sure if could handle a marathon on Gabber.

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