New Year's Resolutions

Twitter really has got dire. I find myself on social media less and less.

I’ve joined MUBI to watch subtitled films so I can’t look at my phone during them and I can slowly get my brain back. Have also been reading more. And going to the countryside which reminds me this phone thing is nonsense (he says sitting and typing on his phone).


Day 4 of no bread, pasta, refined sugar and also incorporating Time Restricted Eating (nothing after 8pm until lunchtime next day). No booze this week either but not doing a heavy Dry Jan thing; will stick to a vodka if I do have a drink. Basic aim is to lose some weight. Feeling better/doing more exercise would be a bonus.


MUBI is the biz!


Aftersun just added which is meant to be superb.

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A wee hack for MUBI in these cost of living times; got to cancel your membership and they’ll offer you it for half the price.


I’ve been doing new resolutions with my class this week (8-9 year-olds) and was inspired to make a couple myself. I have been reminded (via Instagram) this week of setting book targets for a year - something I always did in my 20s - I always had a one book per week target - only ever hit it once - I was usually around the 40 book mark.

Only read 18 books last year. Set myself a target of 25. Reckon that’s doable.

Other one is to keep running in cold weather. I’m a bugger for not going out when it’s a bit cold. Mind you, the dark evenings really interfere with any routine. That one will take more will power.


For the last few years I’ve done a half marathon in Feb down here, deliberately because it makes me run through the winter. I actually prefer a nice crisp winter run to a hot & sunny one

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I’ve done the same with MUBI!

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Best film I saw last year


I always choose relatively easy ones. this year it’s
take better care of my feet
practice djing for 2hrs Minimum per week.

although still have not done the 2015 one which was: complete LinkedIn profile​:joy::joy: don’t think I will tbh


Just started my ActiveLife membership which gives me access to all facilities and classes in my new council area, and signed up for Yoga for Mindfulness and Yoga for Strength classes.

Boom :muscle:t2:


LinkedIn is a terrible product. It pretends that it creates all of these great opportunities but the truth is it gets you nothing. Its terrible for recruiting as well. I think you’re fine not doing your profile.


went to quit mubi when doing life admin over the hols cause they always put a load of crap on there but they’ve put a load of sick films up there in the past month, the bastards.

you probably know of them all but catch the worst person in the world and the handmaiden before they go. they’re great. portrait of a lady on fire is also on there too which is one of the best films ever in my opinion

  1. new job
  2. make more stuff (music, arts, pottery, stories, food, whatever, just create things)
  3. watch a new film a week
  4. smoke less, drink less, eat healthier, exercise regularly, etc etc
  5. see friends more
  6. be kinder to me and others

Watched Aftersun last night. Incredible. Properly got under my skin.


Definitely one for the divorced Dads!


Of daughters!

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Just read up on that, sounds good but grim.

Ive been away from LinkedIn for over 4 years and it appears to have turned into an extension of Facebook. Whats with this trend of complete strangers pouring out their life stories and (sometimes) deeply personal stuff on there?

It’s useful for me to use as a lead generator, ie, i can find out who the key personnel are that I need to be talking to, but thas as far as it goes for me.


“The State of Linked In” account on Twitter lays bare the horror.