Oh that’s interesting. I’m a big fan of XLN Audio RC-20 Retro Colour. Will check!
Yeah make some decent plugs
One for the parents…I have a 5 month old baby and he’s doing super well my question, how the hell do you manage to still make music, work full time in between it all!?
Forest Drive West mentioned that in this piece a few years back (maybe he’s gone full time since this though?)
Very useful thank you! Seems like I need to start working fast and trying to get an hour early in the morning before work and at night.
I struggled to be honest- for about 10 years while they were growing up. You have to change your approach if it’s not your main occupation. I found best approach was to grab an hour here and there and knowing/ planning what I was going to do in that time - like snare fills or just focussing on one aspect of a track/ instrument. Building it up piece by piece
Great advice cheers! Aye I need to re think this all. I absolutely love producing and it helps switch me off from everything in this hectic world.
I go to my music space after putting the kids to bed. Mornings are not possible for me. I can’t do every night as when I do music it tends to be a late one. So I’ll go to bed late one evening then have an early night the next day. Main thing is if you’re planning to work on music at night, try not to drink several beers during the evening. I find the best way to deal with parenting is to keep drinking beer, but it’s not conducive to being productive at night.
I can see the trend between parenting and beers haha! In saying that I’m scared of a hangover with a baby, I just can’t do it. I’m
Debating a late night music session although I get up for work at 7am so not sure how that works lol.
As they get older the kids go to bed later so you’ll only have less time in the evenings, sorry. Therefore make the most of the baby years as you should be able to get them asleep by 8pm and have a few hours free before bed.
i think i’ve asked before, but are there any cubase users on here?
i went from cubase SX to cubase 5 - then years went by and i sort of fell out of love with the whole process. decided to get back into it with 13 and was astounded by what could be done. now i’m on 14 and it’s even more amazing. interested in finding out if we have any power users among the group, mostly out of curiosity.
I started out with Cubase years ago, probably around about 1997/98. Sold most of my hardware and other bits of kit when my son was born in 2002. Followed by my guitars (electric, acoustic and bass).
Decided to get back into it a few years later and bought Ableton Live 5, which I’ve used ever since. At the beginning it was more for dj’ing than producing - using 2 turntables with Live on a laptop.
Anyone on here play keys?