Oh my God this is so true!
I remember a brief period when they started sticking them on the actual labels of the £2 - £3 ones . Presumably to stop people swapping sleeves, but ffs, come on.
What the fuck is going on with Peter Gabriel’s hair
How do you even do that? It’s like he’s wearing a hair hat.
The best warning against prog rock I’ve ever seen
You fall asleep at the wrong afters
And wake up wondering if it was wise to double drop given that you’ve turned into Brian Eno.
The right kind of drugs at the wrong kind of time in the worst hair salon
We once carried a guy asleep on a chair out of the house and placed him on this little roundabout…
Just seen a Weatherall comic ( on Boys Own so must be legit) and wondering Why
Its a bit like all the Weatherall artwork on FlightPath
Still upset I had that in my cart and thought ‘Ah, I’ll do the payment bit later’
Outstanding content served up by the Facebook algorithms !