Anyone have any recomm’s for labels and artists along the line Mark Seven, Parkway and World Building? Modern NY garage sounds?
The Parkway stuff (to me) seems heavily influenced by Paul Simpson productions and that Easy Street Records sound.
Might be worth investigating if you haven’t already.
The Jex Opolis/Conga Radio stuff.
Right Beside You is a great tune on that vibe.
Got all the Easy Street and Jex O stuff!
Parkwerks and World Building knock it out the park every time!
You might want to check out Niles Cooper. He’s very much on the 90s garage tip
Thanks, everyone!
I think World Building may actually be an offshoot/parallel of Superior Elevation (run by Tom Noble).
all that Parkway shit is the jam. i like this stuff, sparse, but tuff and foonkay and kinda heavy, good for dancing.
newish benedek on lies is cool Mr. Goods | Benedek | L.I.E.S. Records
watch this badgurrrl: Under My Eyes | System Olympia
Has everyone heard the Parkway Mastermixes on Soundcloud? Blow my mind every time.
Thanks Kava, will check those, I think the last time I heard a Benedek jam he was on that Moon B-ish modern funk vibe.
Benedeks new album is defo on the early house vibes
Sweet, will check tonight. Thanks, Henry.
Mark is one of the all time great DJs, I still think he’s seriously underrated. I’ve seen him a few times here in Brazil and it has always been totally mindblowing.
His set for Na Manteiga is a treat.
Hell yes, was gonna mention that but was too lazy to find the link.
Check the label Planet Trip!
~Brilliant thanks, weekend sorted…
That did not disappoint! Thanks Henry and Kava.