World Building is Ari from Beautiful Swimmers label. Ari works for Earcave which is also home of PPU, which is also home to a lot of Tom Nobles bits and pieces. All very interconnected with this sound. All gold.
Just seen there’s a new parkway out soon!
This new mix is great. May have been shared already as it’s a few weeks old, i’m only just catching up. Perfect Friday afternoon gear.
Ahhh nice, thanks @don_milano. And a download link too!
I don’t think I’ve downloaded music for years. Might do the same so I can play in car.
I’ve just been looking into making my first ever bandcamp purchase and was wondering about whether to download the music onto somewhere or just stream from bandcamp… But will wait until it tells me my free plays are done. Don’t want to rush into going digital.
Do you have to be on desktop to see the download button? Can’t see it in the SoundCloud app.
I think that might be the case. The download link is in the “More” box with the three dots.
thanks. I worked it out. Just annoying as I don’t need it on my laptop. I want it on my phone so I can play it while driving from London to Norfolk (or back) this weekend. I can move it across devices but I was hoping there may be a ‘play offline’ option in the app… never mind…
Upload it from laptop to Dropbox. That has a play offline function and you can access via an app on your phone.
Check out everything Boyd Jarvis and Timmy Regisford touched!
Or are you more looking for modern stuff in that vein?
I’m going to take a lot of flak for this, but this Mark 7 dude is like a Boyd/Timmy/Merlin cover band. There’s hundreds of hours of their dj sets on the internet and anyone who digs what this guy is doing (very well I want to add) needs to check out the originators. There’s no better Timmy Regisford than Timmy Regisford himself.
You’re not wrong but Timmy’s sets today are very different from the vibe Mark is putting out, which is closer to what TR (and others) were doing in the late 80’s early 90’s. So a very specific “cover band”. In any case, I’ve heard amazing sets of his live that did not have that sort of sound going on, and it was fantastic too. M7 knows his stuff.
I would agree on his productions. Although there is nothing wrong with imitation when it’s done right.
As a DJ, he has his own thing going on and knows his onions imo