In Memoriam…

Queen Elizabeth II

Thought it best to post in case anyone missed the news.

Not a fan of the Monarchy whatsoever, but a remarkable life nonetheless.

Will be interesting to see how the Royal Family goes on from here.


“Please be respectful when talking about the Queen. She was a head of state, a monarch, a mother to multiple pedophiles and most importantly a devoted cousin to her husband”


Ooft :joy:

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To a much lesser position than they occupy now hopefully. Plenty of examples around europe that they can be downgraded. I’m not a hater but its a crazy anachronism these days that it has such status and influence in our society.


For sure. I think approval of them will drop dramatically now tbh. Times have changed.


so much of the approval of the Royal Family is tied to the Queen’s personal likeability - her perceived sweetness and her ability to remember names and faces of people she’s only met briefly a handful of times. Charles once said he wanted to be a tampon, the British public aren’t going to embrace him the same way.


My kids mum met the queen to collect her dads obe as he’d passed by the time the ceremony happened. She said the queen spoke like yoda -‘oil, your dad was in was he?’


I liked/respected her a lot. A class act revered all over the planet. Not so keen on the rest of them though…


I think the word you’re looking for is ‘facade’. Easy to remember people’s names and appear to be interested when that’s literally all you have to fucking do :expressionless:

Fuck 'em all

(£12 million to bail out her paedo rapist Son)


Dont agree with this position at all. I’m no royalist nor do I care for the monarchy but she was thust into a position she never wanted and carried it out with nobility and a dignified sense of duty for 70 years. IMO the apparatus around the monarchy is as much to do with covering up Andrew as she was. And all the other embarrassments the family have caused her over the years. This feeling of she was a rich entitled old lady so we shouldnt give a fuck doesnt wash for me. Its weird, I’m not sure how to feel about it but its a historic moment for sure



Wondering if the BBC will cover the questionable morality of Queen Elizabeth II as a private individual ? Changing environment law, tax law and criminal law to benefit her private entity beyond the crown?


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Not a chance.

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I have no love whatsoever for the royal family, they’re a vile outdated institution that needs to go. The queen at least appeared to have a better work ethic and degree of decorum than the rest of them, but I’m quite surprised by some of the people publicly paying their respects.

What a cretin we now have in King Charles.


I’m no royalist but Charles at least has character and has stood up for what he believes in (as much as he can) He was the first to mention climate change and even spoke in parliament about the dangers of increased carbon emissions in the 70s. He is also a life long advocate for organic farming and his charities have help our small organic farm

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Meanwhile in Ireland


He’s also deeply affiliated with the World Economic Forum. And Jimmy Savile.
Not good.
Not to be trusted.

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Don’t forget it’s not just Charles, but also William and the little brat George. There are a few years ahead of pretty unlikable dudes as the head monarch.

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Geez, I’ve been living out of the UK for a long time, and I was certainly no monarchist, but Im surprised at the level of vitriol directed at a newly passed individual. I guess I’m out of step here.


It was always going to happen with the platforms available to people these days. The hate and the overbearing gushing are just 2 sides of the same coin and both equally tedious.