Hauls Found Today

Found on Saturday, 10 unknown (to me) 12s for a fiver from the local chazzer. Some dross, some middling, some winners:


That Loose Ends tune is class, just about remember this coming out. Great tip, will be buying.

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I’ve spent £11 total today, here are the highlights. I have cheated and put a record from last week in, b side of Amazulu for a pushing it pick. Plane love is an easy Larry Levan pick and everywhere. The Chinese way dub mix is of interest.
The apprentice digger companion is doing ok, he can look forward to life record poverty if he keeps this up (he is also onto all things hip hop/rap). Only my edited hauls shown.

There’s a Willie Hutch in Hitchin Oxfam, I left it, as I do have a copy.


JO’s “on the wings of love” is absolutely one of my favorite songs to belt out unexpectedly and embarrass my daughter. DAD SHIT!


Bless the pair of you!
Is anybody up for ‘Disco/Soul ballads’ thread?

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i got a few though i’ll spare you my karaoke renditions

It’s a gift that keeps on giving

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Happy hauling with added lip from a shop, I have intel that they ban people!
Usual travels across county borders with attempts to get a decent coffee and a pair of Jeans, I may be planing a countrywide tour…
Plenty of 50p and £1 bargains including the Cabaret Voltaire. Yes, Boney M did a cover of Iron Butterfly.


just listened to that cabaret voltaire yesterday, it’s a goood one.

The Jive Turkey remix of that Cabaret Voltaire 12” was a really big record at Leeds Warehouse when it came out

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Came up on Ban Ban Ton Ton ‘Parrots big bleep tunes’ and coincidentally found this next day.


Camp as Christmas and around 152bpm.

‘I fall for the magic of the night’ Probably not even re-editable

Curious if this has gone through any buyers hands on here? It is rubbish

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Starting with ‘Street Cries’ from the £1 street bins, not quite ‘Trinidad’ but fun.
All the rest below were three for five pounds with a bit of rounding down.

Massive attack made by the Cosmic Dub. Balearic Mike Facebook tip for the Shelia E, although these are all spun up before purchase. Last tune as last tune for your dream tearful Balearic end of night, obviously production sounds incredible.

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Three Gherkin found in a day? Good pickings there

Next week I’ll be trying my luck in other locations much further north.
Ebay is giving out some cheap finds (less than half price) so I’m lining the pockets of a website I barely use nowadays; we were there in the early days, it was amazing!
The Skylite, Salsoul, Disco Brake’s 3 and a copy of Sunshine Reggae were ebay.
Also still plenty in my usual bargain bin, all 12’s in this shop £1.


In the folks house for a pre Christmas Dinner as they are going away for Christmas. Found some classics


Caught Stealing bangs :grin: