Hauls Found Today

Probably not new to anybody on here but I love the Vocal side as well.

It’s very, very well played, the most played out looking record out of thousands in my collection to be concise.

Car Boot Sale SALE!

Spray and pray (machine gun analogy) from myself, twenty pence each! edited below may be of interest…

Johan Tinman sounds like he snuck into Giorgio Moroder’s studio whilst it was set up to make e=MC2. Ten pounds for the pleasure. One Pound handed over for Lonnie Liston Smith. Azymuth a more than cheap three at the local record fair.
B side of Will To Power if you please.
Common Italian Disco at the end of list. (just an edit). If, like me you have weak spot for Italio cheese the (cheap) drum break at 4:10 is something else, best 20p ever spent.

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Firm favorite around here.

Control D?

The quick stop I made at my local charity shop during my lunch break yesterday turned out to be worthwhile, picked up the below for a quid each.

The Anita Ward 12” was sealed as well, and also happened to be the Canadian pressing. Wonder how it ended up in a British Heart Foundation in Norwich, 43 years after it’s release…


I think that’s absolutely the magic of vinyl. Regardless of whether it sounds better/worse/different to digital. Each old record has got a story.


I’ve been playing Nights Over Egypt a lot lately. Perfect record.

Charity shops in the US pull up a whole different story, if you like Barbara Streisand then you are in luck.


Just rescued a massive pile of Shellac 78s from a bin. Loads of old jazz & blues, beautiful labels etc.
Before I disappear down a rabbit hole, does anyone know if there’s a market for this kind of stuff?

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I have a friend who has a decent 78rpm set up, I haven’t listened yet. He also is into 8 track carts…both too far down that hole for me.

Can’t help but thinking if you have pictures of those labels?


i will say this - don’t use your nice regular cart/stylii on those old 78’s, they’ll eat up needles with the quickness.

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! Fuck your 7" I gotta 8"


Liking the Nylons, see you go straight to the B side of CAY 105.

Hopefully they will find a home.

Just spent a good hour going through Discogs. A couple that are worth £10-20, mostly junk and some that have never been sold at all. As I should have known. (But that was never really the point.)

The sound clips are pretty good quality. Get a SL1210 with 78rpm option, bit of DBX boombox in the effects loop, collect more and play them out…how’s that ?

Third week without hauling any hauls. Today I needed my fix, felt euphoric and alive mid way on the drive to shops in Milton Keynes, Hitchin and Leighton Buzzard (it could have just been the spicy pasty from the BP garage)

First three were free, because ‘disco’. Check out the Coolnotes B side "Energy’ very strong.
Amnesia nothing to do with Shalamar on Ecstasy in the Balearics.
Two copies of spacebass as it sounds amazing on a system, particularly on my sound systems.
Celebrate is absolutely fantastic in my book especially for a pound, today everything was giveaway prices, even the Dazzle album. Todays discovery is that stealing the record out of the sleeves of in demand disco albums is a thing, two of my picks today had no contents so I left them in the unmanned record shop, who knew?


Stood in the rain today trying to stump up enough records for the five for a pound deal, ending up hoovering up some sevens for the apprentice understudy. Very strange feeling when I got back to the car as I had no memory of picking up a lot of them, more of an instinct. I got this for me as a mystery pick, still don’t know what to make of it.

Spent bang on Discogs median to the tune of £75 in a real shop (Essex) on about fifteen twelve inch singles. Just the highlights or lows below.


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I’m In Love is one of my fave ever house tunes :ok_hand:


It’s great, I’m pretty short of house classics from this period. I don’t look too much as you can imagine as the wants is list is very full of more ‘not house’ product