Electro / Breakdance

An excuse to post the greatest Face cover known to man and also a place to pick up these stories…

@MastaF - what were the Madison sessions?

@del @neatbeats @ProF @FreshFor88


Madison Joe’s was a nightclub in Bournemouth. At the end of ‘84 (if my memory is good?) they started doing an electro-breakdance club on a Saturday afternoon for underagers. It was really good and used to properly go off. People would come from other places - including London.


This was very popular:


Newcleus - Jam On Revenge (The Wikki Wiki Song)

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What a pair of 12"s that and this were, love 'em:


The bass on this one is incredible:

(just the right amount of cheese)


That sounds mental. We had the civic near us but it was post that… Bet it was brilliant…


The Saturday afternoon Madisons Jam’s were set up By Paul, the main resident DJ at the club, who was my sisters boyfriend at the time. It soon became a fixture in the south UK scene. It was a venue for towns like Portsmouth(Nick from Portsmouth ended up Moving to Bournemouth and Joining STN), Southampton, Bath and Bristol, and of course sometimes London.
It allowed me to learn how to DJ, Paul taught me how to beat match there, I also used to MC over tunes like Hashim - Al Naafiysh and other instrumental stuff, a la The Wild Bunch.
To be honest, I soon got lured away by warehouse parties and London Clubs like the Wag, so missed Second To None winning the world Breakdance Championship and the rest of their success.

However I will always look back on those times with fond memories, so young, so fearless and so much fun.


Always loved the vocal break on this one…it’s short yet intense


I nearly lost my mind when this came out. I stared at those blue letters on that yellow background for way longer than was healthy.

On a sidetone I remember the Streetsounds Electro Comps used to say “Mixed by Mastermind”, referring to the Mastermind Sound System who did a set at '85 Nottinghill Carnival which was beyond mind-blowing. They had just come back from New York, where Grandmixer D ST taught them how to fast mix. They were mixing electro, freestyle, synth pop and it was all on a HUGE carnival rig(possibly supplied by Jazzie B). When they played Shannon - Let the music play" the whole place just went stoopid, and my life changed forever.


You were a dj at Madison Joe’s!!? That is absolutely nuts!!! I remember Al Nafyish being played there and Bambaataa was obs a big tune too. Yes - I got into other stuff too, so didn’t go as much after ‘86. Some of the guys that went to these afternoons with me also started going to Shoom and Spectrum a few years later, but Bmth had a fledgling house music thing going too. It was interesting to go the same place (Glasshoppers) pre summer ‘88 and post summer ‘88. Same tunes up to a point, but then aliens were beamed down and took over after midnight. Those electro afternoons - that you played at - definitely sparked all of this - at least it allowed all the later 303-based music to make sense to my ears.


Classic fantastic. I sip it to avoid getting sick of it.


Grew up in Hampshire, and used to go to Madisons quite a bit when I was in my late teens. It always went off in there.

Tony Prince on Luxembourg, then Mike Allen on Capital Radio on a Friday Night, The Groove Records Top 20 Electro Rundown chart! Great days!


First heard cut up at the start of Electro Crucial 1 - thought that version was the original for ages.


Lots of old Mike Allen shows availlable here


Groove Records chart rundown included in some of the tracklists too.


This picture’s cut out from the Harrow Observer in 1984.

There was a huge jam one Wednesday evening in West Harrow Park, and then every week after for a couple of months breakers and poppers would come down.

I’m in the far top right of the photo, wearing an Adidas t-shirt. For any skateboarders, the kid holding the bike up at the back is Matt Bain, of Harrow skatepark’s H-Boyz, before he made the switch over from his BMX.


The Party Scene is a total tune!! This thread is gold…


That video’s amazing