Great question
The white doves we used to get in Cream early 90s were the holy grail. They made everybody look like they had glasses on. Then ones with brown specks in them started to appear which made you gouchy, the rumour was they had smack in but that has to have been an urban myth
I think the whole smacky feeling thing was as a result of incomplete synthesis/final wash (I think Shulgin mentioned it in THIKAL)
It could also have been MDEA (Eve) which gives a far more soporific feeling
Agree with all the above, compromised test conditions. Probably had a mixed grill or a curry and several pints, and everything else, prior to sampling the pill. Oh and you’re not 17, and you’ve heard dance music lots over the last 20 something years.
I always heard it was down to being MDE. I loved those brown disco biscuits. Remember they smelled like Fishermans Friends.
Yeah could have been MDE. Safrole smells like Aniseed? Could that have been it?
Those big massive ones?, must have been 15mm from memory.
Yeah. We were getting them late '89. Plain pills, no press logos and bigger than Doves.
I think we had those brown Disco Biscuits for Happy Mondays and Adamski, Glastonbury 1990
We just called them Brown Speckled Burgers
Can’t remember the name of it, but there was a site where you could check what bumbles were circulating in your area and info on what was in them.
The last time we bought pills, we tested them and they were some shitty analogue. Came from a good source, too, who swore by them. We dumped them. I would give my left nut for a proper E. Most people we know here do K or coke, neither of which appeal (and there is so much fentanyl contamination it’s not worth the risk).
Where do you live?
Getting some bumbles ordered for New Year - not done any in over 5 years. Will be looking out for Orange Soundclouds.
At a messy house party, not long after school, summer of 91. Me and a mate bumped into a lad from school who asked ‘what’re you doing?’
Wide eyed we replied ‘New Yorkers’
He genuinely meant are you working/in college? Weirdo!
Think the old site shut down a few years ago, or at least it wasn’t very up-to-date
Just Googled and found this one