Dealing with mental health over age 40

I drink the odd beer here and there but nothing else beyond that for the last 10 years.

Not worth the risk now with my history of mental health issues but don’t get me wrong live and let live


It’s interesting that the midweek blues have never been reported after therapeutic use of MDMA ie in counselling sessions. The “massive comedown” seems to be unique to its use in raves/clubs. Possibly because those nights out involved more substances/higher doses/lack of sleep. If you’re taking good quality MDMA, use it sparingly on special occasions, avoid alcohol and build in the right recovery time/sleep to your plans then it’s quite likely to be less horrific than a hangover after a big booze session.


I mean, it’s pretty common for people partying with MDMA to use up a lot of energy, not hydrate well and not eat enough. A lot of the comedown might be associated with “not looking after yourself”. It’s why I always pack a delicious rave sandwich if I plan on going whole hog.


I think you’ll find the answer in dancing and the euphoria of being lost in the music and having quite energetic high energy interactions for hours on end. Blues come from wanting to be there, the new best night of your life. I think the therapeutic version is also 1/5th of what you’re taking when raving and probably a purer product.

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Delicious rave sandwich :joy::joy::joy:


Is that like a speckled burger? :wink:


I’m in Hospital. Blood pressure is through the roof and won’t go down. I have nearly passed out today at work and twice on my coffee date……fucking hell.

Went for a steady 6 mile run yesterday and my Strava tells me that I haven’t run since jan1st. Apart from the painful legs I was happy to not drop dead in the fields. Felt ok afterwards.

I passed out in the night some months ago and the bath broke my fall. I did have an out of body experience. It’s annoying as I have tried to look after my body and have been clean living throughout with a few experiences in younger life to get that side of the coin.

I know I’m just a occasional contributor here who most of you don’t know.but I appreciate everybody here and your lifelong passion for the dance.

I’m alone, I’ve had better days.


Hey very sorry to hear this. Is there someone you can call? Are you in overnight? What are the docs telling you ?


Going to be a long wait. I’m terrified of being sent home and the worst happening.

Such is modern life that my family won’t come, although my sister is supervising my elderly mother who has no water supply.

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Oh I’m sorry to hear that. If your BP is abnormally high then hopefully they’ll keep you in to at least stabilise it.

Anxiety plays a part here, so as hard as it is to do, try and take deep breaths and remain calm until you have a clearer picture.

Hope you’re ok.


Thanks to you both. It has gone down apparently but I can’t look at the numbers anymore so I don’t know how much.

I was reticent to to post on this topic as I didn’t want it to turn into a competitive misery contest or attention seeking.




Get well soon dude!!! X


I think that’s the last way anyone will think on here. Whole point of the thread is to get help, get advice or just ask for some kindness during tough times. Hope you feel better soon and keep your chin up. You’ve got hauls to find after all!


Sorry to hear this my friend. I wish you a speedy recovery and back on the trail.


Sorry to read this David. Hopefully you have stabilised now and are getting looked after.


Sorry to hear David … take it easy and rest up x


Stay well David and best wishes. Hope they’ve stabilised your blood pressure now. Best place to be in the short term until they sort that out


Hope you feel better, and keep us posted. R


Hi David, sorry mate, must be unpleasant for you. Being in hospital is no holiday. We are all with you on this one, keep us posted on your progress. Healing vibes beaming from down under mate.


Sending love and good vibes your way David, wishing you a speedy recovery x

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