Bandcamp Musts

Love this. Balearic, new wave-ish, hypnotic.


I mean if you’re going to write a press release those are some pretty strong touch points right there

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This is an old one I’ve been playing a lot lately and it just sounds better and better. Not exactly under the radar but not sure it gets the love it deserves. Modern Balearic masterpiece imho.


Dimitri from Paris takes on ‘Space Talk’. Such a gorgeous tune.


Lots to like here


This is a bit of a stormer…

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Can’t stop playing the main and instrumental versions of Whisper To Me. Love it.

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Out today. Excellent compilation. 1990s U.K. electronica.


Another one from the wish list, out today.

A never-before released eight track compilation of 1980s Sheffield post-punk-disco-dub-pop.


Some goodies out this week, those two are killah^

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The label of that release sounds interesting. Is there anything you can click on that would take you to the label’s page, to see if they have other releases? On most websites that should be something quite easy to do but Bandcamp’s interface is interesting. Clicking on the label’s name doesn’t do anything. Clicking on the label’s logo brings up a large format of the image… I don’t need the image. Is there a trick to this that i haven’t figured out yet? What do you click on to find the label’s page? Or should I use the search box?

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This is their first release. When a label has more releases you scroll down to bottom of Bandcamp page and you see all the others there. Some also have more info on the Community tab. I guess you can configure the Bandcamp page how you want (within reason) and some are more minimal than others.

Right, first release, all makes sense now. I was being impatient!


KNX on a house tip!


The instrumental is the one for me.

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Gpod clip of them performing live here in 1983

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Nice bit of Arabesque chug from MFD


Repress on this

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