Andrew Weatherall

A pal of mine snapped at the Golden Lion this weekend with his AW tribute jacket


Anyone know the source of him using that phrase? Was there a specific interview etc

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There is, but I’ll be damned if I can now find it!

Is that Drewy? He’s a superstar human.

No its a guy called Craig :slight_smile:

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Here’s a video clip with the quote

I beleive he also said it to the Irish Fisherman during the fabled “Fail We May Sail We Must” chat

Its likely Andrew used the phrase many times in a self deprecating way to play himself down when interviewers and the like held him up

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Im sure he’s a lovely guy too! :sun_with_face:

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I see. Maybe that’s it then. He regularly played at Checkpoint Charlie and their 90s strap line was ‘Not a way of life, Just a fucking Disco!’ and a couple of variations of it. I’ll assume that’s where they got it from

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He uses it at 5 minutes into the twat filter video that @Pulsatio7 posted a little bit further up this thread


Thought it sounded familiar

Be More Weatherall


lol . I appreciate the sentiment and adhere as often as i can… but i can just hear Nathan barley saying it.


I can’t be alone in finding a lot of this Weatherall adulation quite odd. He’d find it all a bit ridiculous wouldn’t he?




Someone on here said it best as 'Canonisation ’
The home made art on the FB page always makes me think of the girl in Fear & Loathing with the Barbara Streisand pictures she drew


(sorry to pile on)

The way everyone into him embraced Rockabilly overnight after Wrong club ( after embracing 130bpm techno )
Dont get me wrong as am a massive massive fan ( I spent hours compiling a dub playlist from the MNFE playlist) & also like the Cramps but its the walk on water

I always think Andrew would have wanted people to tell him that a song he played was shit

( extra marks for fucking shit)




Partridge esque sticker :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Could be worse I suppose


re: the cult around AW. On the one hand, he unwittingly attracted these disparate tribes of semi-retired ravers, indies and weirdoes who saw him as this talismanic leader figure and maybe at some point it crossed over from being a bit of a laugh in Shoreditch pubs to something more serious/quasi-religious, obv intensified by his passing. At the same time, I get it though because there is a real community there and so many friendships have emerged + endless spinoff parties, projects, records in some way inspired by him. He was just so funny, punk, cultured, true to his beliefs that he was always likely to inspire fierce devotion from others who didn’t ‘fit’. Ultimately, over time though I think it is becoming less about him, and more about an artier side of dance culture that people naturally gravitate to.