What's Underrated?

A top ten for the unacquainted perhaps?


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Hearing this mixed in is a thing of beauty

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I spent about 15 years tracking down a tune on a mixtape that I just couldn’t get out of my head. Guess who it was by?


Pecorino Romano cheese
Andy Kindler
Mark Day (Happy Mondays) guitar style
Maurice Fulton
real butter
brussel sprouts
when everybody else has gone to bed and it’s quiet
Elle Fanning
freshly washed sheets
Pale Saints


Agreed. She’s ‘great’ in The Great… huzzah!

Oh yes and Pecorino, the only cheese for Carbonara along with your Guanciale.

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Good shout on Mark Day, he always looked more spannered than Shaun & Bez as well which is heroic in it’s own way.


The Blue Room was essential listening for sure. Rob’s back with a new Sunday show on Worldwide FM and Chris has his weekly Melodica show, so they’re still out there :slight_smile:

I’m partial to the Salt City mixes, but Better Day is such a good song that I like all the mixes.

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