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Where’s Juan the Man?!

I go to one here in Dundee and the owner has his other one near Liverpool St. Ours is a bit of a random outpost for his 2nd shop. Be that as it may, I feel amazing after a visit. Trim, nose/ear wax, head massage and hot towel and muscle gun on the shoulders and arms and a spray of that lemon stuff they all use. Wonderful.

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I love a Turkish barber, I know the nose wax is in the post but I’m basically scared of taking the plunge. Is it agony?


No not at all Piers, it’s like a dull nip for a second when they pull it out then that’s it, in my experience anyway. Had it done loads of times


Right! Next time! Thank you

According to my Missus any waxing is horrendous the first couple of times then gets easier, so interested to hear how you get on! :rofl:

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Just finished reading MAUS by Art Spiegelman. I was a bit dubious at first as I hadn’t read a comic since Judge Dread but I loved it!


It’s brilliant.

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my barber offered it last time i was there

i asked him if he had ever had it done… he smiled and said “i see how people react, no!!”

I get it every other visit, it’s really not that bad :rofl:

What about that thing where they stick a flaming kebab skewer in your lugholes?

Which reminds me, a few months ago the guy was tidying up around my ears with a cut throat razor when a fucking pigeon flew through the door and clattered into the fan on the ceiling!

I thought I was going to go home looking like van Gogh!

The barber was chasing this pigeon round the room with his cut throat like he was going to chop its head off.

Luckily it managed to find the door and made its escape.

I asked him to take a couple of minutes to calm down before he returned to the task in hand.


They dip a long q-tip in flammable liquid and light it and tap it off your ears lightly. It burns off the hairs on the outer lug. It’s a skill! Also get this done each time.


It has that smell of the stuff you would run a model steam model off in the 70s, very low temperature

one of my all time favorites. a really big deal for me when i first read it in the early 90’s. i’m not a big “graphic novel” guy but that felt like a giant leap forward (after reading things like raw comix in the 80s).

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Must find this book!

Pic via Mixmaster Morris’ Insta. Wonder if he has a copy?


The first time I had this done was in Stoke Newington (Turkish area of London) in the 90s, guy just pulled out a lighter and set fire to my ears, gave me quite the surprise
None of the barbers spoke English, so you had to go in and tell the manageress what you wanted and then she’d translate, great haircuts every time though

I think at a great Turkish barbers, everything should be just at the cusp of painful. The ear flame held a fraction too long, the face towel slightly too hot (not that you’d complain), the massage bordering on aggressive (one guy fully took my head in his hands and cracked my neck).

5 years younger, as I always say to the mirror before walking out.


I went to a Syrian guy in Brighton who threaded all the tiny hairs on my face. The most painful thing I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve had a vasectomy.


What from a Turkish barber?


They do everything a man needs. Everything.