What don't you get

I think a lot of Americans have - and incredibly - realized how partisan a farce of an institution the SCOTUS is. 6 conservatives to 3 who always make their decisions across political lines, and today they made sure to do Cheetoh Nazi’s bidding by saving their verdict for the last moment before the court adjourned for a couple of months meaning no chance he can be tried for anything. It’s a joke.


Oh I know, and I’m enjoying it. We’ve had a lot of pet peaves aired and sacred cows slain over the years.
This one just seemed a bit close to saying “and that John Craven? He’s a right c@nt!” :joy::+1:

Is he the lad on Cuntry File ?


Reminded me of a time my brother in law invited his Aunt Peggy to stay with us over Christmas. She was generally a quiet and demure old lady…or so we thought…

Until we were all sat there in front of Antiques Roadshow and Fiona Bruce appeared (as she would). Peggy quietly announced “can’t stand her, she’s a cunt. Shes always trying to force herself in front of the camera!”

After we’d recovered from the shock and the laughter, my bro in law explained that she was the presenter so of course she’d be in front of the camera…

“She’s still a cunt!” Replied Peggy.

How could anyone hate Fiona Bruce?



I’m with Peggy all the way, Bruce is another BBC Tory behind the bland, middle class, middle England, church fete veneer


Her and Jo whiley don’t have eyes. Just mere little openings.


Well there is that yeah :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I didn’t mind her myself, never paid much attention to her tbh, then she got the Question Time job and her impartiality and her husband’s activities came to light


QT for me sums up where the UK has gone wrong because the format is so tired with all the divs or plants in the audience and you learn absolutely nothing. The calibre of debates is shocking. Both left and right routinely attack the BBC for bias and I’m sure it exists but it’s all so parochial when the real issue imo is the lack of thinking across the spectrum at a time when humanity is facing existential threats. They should be getting intellectuals, scientists, thinkers on, not lowgrade MPs, comedians and celebs spouting the latest cliches. I want to see sharp minds exchanging ideas, not lazy soundbites.


Agreed. It’s basically a platform for party political broadcasts aimed at winning votes not addressing the big problems we are facing.


QT is entertainment masquerading as political debate. Plus that whole format of opposing views being aired and a supposedly neutral chairperson is so fake.

Does anyone ever have their mind changed? Or come out of it having learned anything? Whatever view you hold you’ll still have after it.

Fuck Farage by the way :+1:


a few years old but, this will save you having to watch any more episodes of QT


Wasn’t she one of the Greenham Common women ?

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“Ahahahaha, I’ve never actually wahahaha, but ahahaha!” :rofl:


Not sure. I clearly don’t know enough about her and hubby.

Even if they weren’t partisan the law allowing for immunity in this context negates the rule of law itself.

I still have a crush on Jo Whiley though. Sorry

All this talk of political chat shows seems like an excellent excuse to post this stone cold classic


It also effectively gives carte blanche for a sitting president to have a political rival assassinated.


A gift of a ruling for any dictator. Don’t forget about the other one that legalized bribery!