What are you watching?

Thought this was a comment on Amandaland for a sec​:joy::crazy_face:

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She was horrendous


The Bikeriders

Dull as dishwater. Tom Hardy parodying Tom Hardy. All thousand yard stares, punch drunk looks and mumbles. Austin Butler is even worse. Shuffling about occasionally looking up through his quiff and trying to channel James Dean. I don’t think he even has 20 words of dialogue. Both of them are totally phoning it in. Its only saving grace is Jodie Comer who is great as the love interest, with a killer NYC/Brookyln drawl. Nothing happens at all. It has no arc, no plot and nothing at all to keep you interested. Avoid


Currently enjoying two of Mrs J_C’s picks!

Girls - 2012-2017 show, on NOW. Very funny.

Motherland - Netflix, with Diane Morgan. She has some brilliant lines “You can’t make an omelette without telling a few skinny bitches to go fuck themselves” :rofl:


Girls is the ‘real’ Sex and the City.

Motherland was brilliant. I love Sharon Horgan’s writing.


Motherland was great, wish they’d do another series.


I didn’t finish it. And I tried twice.

I turned this off too. Boring.

I did rewatch Inside Llewyn Davis on Sunday, which is possibly my favourite Sunday night film.

I really enjoyed it!

My wife and I rewatched GIRLS again recently and it has aged really well. It captured the time period perfectly and as much as people love to loathe Lena Dunham, she created something which contained all the mess and ugly beauty of trying to find yourself in your 20’s.

@Joe - I also watched The Bikeriders and yes, it was very silly. Great point about Jodie’s accent - she nailed it, but overall it was a big pile of poo.

I recently watched Scum for the first time (no idea why that had escaped me for so long) and to make the night even cheerier, I went back to back with a rewatch of Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci. I haven’t seen it in years and for some reason this time it looked different.

I have this weird memory disfunction where I can watch a film and then watch it again a year later and almost forget what happens in the film. It has its advantages because I get to enjoy it all over again from a fresh perspective.


Yeah, a few months out and I can’t remember a book or movie.

Some people have trouble living in the present, I am too far the other way unfortunately.

Interesting Kendrick Lamar/Super Bowl explainer.


Finished Amandaland. Great.

Severance s2. Just watched ep 4. Wtf.


Lovely stuff this

IKR?! That has stayed with me I think…

I just hope Severance doesn’t end up going the same way as Lost


Funny, I had the same reaction but for The Silo.

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I had exactly the same thought about the similarities to Lost when watching that last episode. I’ve really enjoyed Severance but there is a risk of the story getting more ridiculous and not hanging together. Hope I’m proved wrong as it’s a great concept and good characters


Some top tier acting on that as all was revealed. :anguished:

It is definitely at risk of pulling a Lost though I agree - really hope they don’t drag it out and stick the landing. The writing, style, and lore is great and I love how they keep doing new things with the premise.


I was getting a bit frustrated with that episode but it kind of redeemed itself by the end.

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I must give that a watch. I read this a long while ago and it made quite the impression on me, just as Yugoslavia was beginning to fall apart. Recommend it if you haven’t read.