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All this Gallic culture reminded me of this


A few years ago Sebastien Tellier recorded what should’ve been the ultimate kitsch olympic curtain raiser


I do like listening to Carl Hart, don’t know if this is an old interview or new one, worth a listen though… Drugs is his thing Yo!

That’s a great idea!!

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I LOVE that they used Darude - Sandstorm in the opening. 0 sarcasm here, I truly loved it. It made me cackle!


I watched Miller’s Girl with Martin Freeman and Jenna Ortega. The most offensive thing about it is Martin sneakily crowbarring in some of his “Mod cred” by playing some old RnB on a vintage stereo and throwing in a Northern soul spin. As he’s American in the movie, I can guarantee you that wasn’t in the script.

Was hoping they’d drop Rollin’ and Scratchin’ as the lights got going :disappointed:

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Glad to see we’re still leading the world in the important stuff, ie Dressage.

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The same way Uncut Gems ended with Gigi D’Agostino’s “L’amour Toujours” - the energy & kitsch of it just worked brilliantly after all the tension.

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Really enjoying “The Boyfriend” on Netflix. …Yes…a reality dating show, but there’s something gentle and (at least appearing to be) genuine about the contestants and the way the whole thing is framed that makes it feel like a refreshing, quiet treat.

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Don’t ask…

Finally got around to watching this. It was bang average TBH, just a very trad straight forward style documentary, felt pretty cheap and the interview sections were all really badly marred by very poor sound quality (they should have maybe got a sound engineer involved, perhaps from Abbey Road? :roll_eyes:)


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Yeah, agree with that. Looked very promising. I preferred the The Story of Wish You Were Here docu.

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Time Bandits from Apple TV. Not bad at all.

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Finally got round to watching this. Very good documentary and still harrowing

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Just watched Elvis. Found myself googling why Chuck D thought he was racist. Surprised to see it seemed to be what he represented rather than what he was

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It gets a terrible IMDB rating, worth watching though?

(I haven’t looked into it, but am assuming the bad reviews might be due to people hating on diversity or somesuch?)

If you liked the movie it’s definetley worth a look.

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Bit of an odd little Storyville.

Leaves far more questions than it answers, but an enjoyable watch.

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